Ninety Five Percent of Success is Execution

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over the years, I have lost track of the ideas, I have had and not acted upon. You wake up in the middle of the night with an idea that has you on fire. Then you go back to sleep, and in the morning, the doubts creep in.

Will it fly?

Can I do it?

Am I good enough to succeed in this?

What if I fail and disappoint others?

Why would anyone listen to me?

Why would anyone value my opinion?

Do I really deserve this opportunity?

What if others think I'm not capable?

I am sure you can write your own limiting beliefs above. We all have them even Kyle and Carson still have them. What is the difference between them and you. Well they executed their plan. They didn't get it right first time around, and as they keep working on the platform I guess they think it;s not right now.

When you do nothing you get nothing, It is that simple. If you start building your online business you will get some things wrong, but you learn from those failures.


When An Idea Strikes Write it down

The first thing you should do when you get an idea ids to write it down. These days I sleep with a notebook and pencil under the pillow. Whether it's on your phone or with a trusty pen and paper, jot down your thoughts as soon as they strike. Don't worry about neatness—just get it all out before the magic slips away.

Embrace the Challenges

Every idea comes with its hurdles. If it didn't, it might not be worth pursuing. So, when obstacles arise, don't be deterred. Tackle them head-on or realize they might just be figments of your imagination.

Remember, the idea is just the seed. True success lies in execution. It's 95% about bringing that idea to life. So, don't stumble at this crucial step.

Enjoy the rest of your Sunday,

Two years ago I had an idea to write and sell ebooks about becoming a digital nomad in specific places. The places I am visiting. I put the idea off, again and again but I now have my first books for sale.

Will they sell who knows?

However because I executed the action I have innumerable choices. I can

Rewrite the Title

Split test the title

Split test the paltforms

Change my marketing plans

Repurpose my content

There are many variations within variations here. Had I not completed the work I would still have an idea and no choices.

Everything you need is on this platform it depends whether you want to sieze the day or not

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very nice article writing you related to "Don't Let Ideas Slip Away: Execute and Succeed

We've all been there - waking up with a brilliant idea, only to let doubts creep in and suffocate it. Fear of failure, self-doubt, and limiting beliefs hold us back. But the difference between success and stagnation lies in execution. When an idea strikes, write it down immediately. Embrace challenges and tackle obstacles head-on. Remember, true success is 95% about bringing that idea to life.
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Love it Catherine! If we don't take action then nothing will ever happen!

No one should be afraid of things not going to plan the first, second, or one hundredth time (some call it failure)....

I call it all part of the never ending learning process that is life!!!

Hope all is well as usual with you my friend and take care!!



This was a great read to get me all fired up in WA again.
I could not agree more . . . well maybe.

Success is all about what you DO!
We can talk forever and write things down every day but if we never move - take action - from those points, nothing will ever happen.

Congruency. 😉
DO what you say.
Be consistent with your actions.

Success will come.

Thank you for sharing.

Cassi . . . At the Point of Congruence 💃

This is absolutely true! I know it, I’ve experienced it and continue to each day!

It’s funny, sad really when I find and go through some of my old notebooks and reflect on all my written down but not executed ideas! And I have to remind myself to forgive myself because I’ve also had to make choices that at the time were to prioritize family. And I wouldn’t have done it any other way! I continue to live without regrets!

So be easy on yourself and keep trying your best! Take leaps of faith in yourself! Self educate and always keep moving forward!

Do things most other people won’t do, in order to have things other people won’t have, and move yourself into places other people will never be able to go!

Live on and
Be mighty! 😎

Spot on Catherine, Its that great Colombian coffee, or have you moved on now?


No still here for ten days Robbie

Did you go up to the church in the cable car at the highest point in Bogotá yet

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