Essential Housekeeping for my blog long overdue

blog cover image

I have my first blog in the make money online niche, which was created exclusively to promote WA. it is four months old and has only twenty four posts

I have been hugely discouraged with this blog as I have had the white screen of death for weeks. However, Carson has been working with me to create a test site and find out what is wrong. By the end of today I should have my answer.

Since Carson Gave Me a Kick up the Backside I decided to give myself one.

I went through every one of the posts and made sure they were all identical in terms of formatting.


  1. The all start and finish with a paragraph that has a colored background (Thank you Partha)
  2. There is a TOC
  3. There is one section with columns
  4. There is a Quote
  5. 24 posts entered into Jaazy to track my keywords twice a week. 7 are recognised by Google, the highest on page 3, 4 by Bing the highest on page 2, and I cant remember where that are on Yahou because I don't care.
  6. I checked that everyone has a green tick for both SEO and readability. They all had great SEO I don't publish unless they do, but I am often lax on readability. I have recently purchased Yoast SEO partly because I have always used Yoast, when I started, there were no alternatives. This has the advantage of showing me what is wrong and where in the post. Another advantage of Yoast premium is they make an automatic update if you change a permalink.
  7. Check that they all had an image gallery
  8. They all have a testimonial included
  9. They all had a clear call to action
  10. They all have an image linking to WA
  11. Share on Social Media
  12. Add to linkedin
  13. Check Site Kit that they are all indexed

Readability was my biggest fault

My personal three biggest faults is one of the formatting's I loved this formatting and didn't want to change it, but I just added a h3 heading between the two sections. Another thing I often don't write in an active sense and in the past this has driven me bonkers. Thanks to AI I can now paste it into AI ans ask it to rewrite in a active tone. My third fault is I often only have about 24 percent of transition words. That is the bit that I most hate changing.

Now of course this is all done I have a definitive duplicate post so that in the future they will all be identical I hope that this will allow my reader's to know at a glance where things are in a post .

The results

24 posts with Great Seo

24 posts with great readability.

24 posts entered into Jaazy to track my keywords twice a week

13 post indexed

Happy bunny. it was a horrible job that has taken the best part of eight hours, but now I have put a check list into a page and left it a draft so as I go forward it will al be done before it is published

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Recent Comments


But you got it done, even though it was horrible to go through! I do not like updating posts, either. But once it is done, don't you just feel so much better?

You had a whole plethora of daunting tasks and you accomplished them! Great job!

Now on to the next tasks! With hope, Carson will have the other issue(s) figured out today!


Hey Catherine, always worth reviewing your processes and improving...
one thing that may help you a bit is a plugin ( i know you don't like them) but this one creates that list and has it in the sidebar to remind you before publishing of what you have to do....
i recently wired for story by Lisa cron - well worth a read...
hopefully your site will be sorted and your posts will improve in rank....

A great post Cathetine. I appreciate you sharing this.

It will help enhance my focus as I'm going through a similar process with one of my sites.

It's a solid checklist, I'd not considered #3 can you explain how you apply this and the benefits of this please?

Thanks for sharing your insights and learnings and all the best for positive results as your hard work on your MMO site pays off.

Tracy ✨️

Whew, what a bib checklist, but some great information. Thanks for sharing. I need to double-check some of these on my own site.


Has to be done

I definitely know that you will get it done, Catherine!


Thanks Jeff

You bet, Catherine!

Have a great Satsu Jeff

Will do, Catherine! I have been revamping a lot of my enterprises for the better, but it has not been easy.

Happy Satsu!

I hear you sound like what I am doing, but when you are a business owner then a bit of housekeeping is essential, I hope it will bring you increased profit

Fingers crossed, Catherine!


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