Greener Planet Equals Healthier Children

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When a child gets sick, moms get busy. That is exactly what I did 20 plus years ago

.The doctors and professionals gave me no answers. Instead, they gave my son tests and exams, evaluations, and lab work. I had enough of watching him be poked and pried, with no solutions. It was time to do my own investigating

.The libraries offered no resources. The book store shelves were bare when it came to finding answers. The internet was fairly new to the average household. Social media did not exist, and .com was the hottest trend. I did what I had to do and bought a $2,000 Dell computer

.I read everything I could get my eyes on! What I discovered was disturbing. The list is long, and this is not a story about how I healed my son, but advice on making our children’s lives better

.The first step is to clean up their environment. Now I don’t mean walking the beach and picking up trash. What I mean is removing toxins from the home

.The average consumer is unaware of what they are purchasing when it comes to everyday products like laundry soap, shampoos, toothpaste, etc.

We rarely read labels, and if we do, most do not have a clue as to what they are or how to pronounce them.

Luckily there is a trend in manufacturing, with greener products being offered. However, they come with a hefty price tag

.As a stay-at-home mom, I had to cut costs wherever I could. I decided I would start by making my own bath and cleaning products. The first thing I made was homemade laundry soap. If I didn’t add essential oils, the price was less than .06 a load

.Here is the recipe, It's EASY


4 cups hot water· 1 Bar Fels-Naptha soap, grated· 1 cup of Arm & Hammer Washing Soda (not baking soda) · 1/2 cup Borax· essential oil (optional)

ingredientsHeartlinked Home and Health

INSTRUCTIONS1. Melt soap in water over medium-low heat until dissolved.

2. Fill a 5-gallon bucket with 2.5 gallons of hot water. Add the melted soap mix, washing soda, Borax. Stir well until dissolved


Add essential oils of your choice. You will need about 30 drops but adjust to your liking.

I left the soap in the 5-gallon bucket and scooped out about a ¼ cup for each load. If you prefer, you can fill an old soap dispenser 1/2 with water and half with soap. Shake well before each use. For front load washers, use 1/4 cup. For top load washers, use 1/2 cup per load.

The laundry came out clean and fresh, especially with citrus essential oil. Plus, it felt great knowing my children weren't being exposed to harsh chemicals.

I soon moved on to bigger and better things, like shampoo, toothpaste, and spray cleaners. Although it was a lot of fun to make, there were issues- like finding all the ingredients.

Today we have the option to buy everything online and have it delivered.

Personally, I prefer to shop locally. I would rather support a small business or at least a business that employees people in my community. However, I know this is not easy for some, due to long-distance drives or the inability to get out. Also, many of us are cutting back on expenses. A one-car family is becoming more popular, and in some cases, the car is ditched completely. As more people are working from home, calling an Uber or Lyft can be cheaper than a car payment and insurance.

My children are all grown now but, because I am so passionate about teaching others how to live healthier lives, I am always on the lookout for great resources.

I recently discovered Simply Earth. I am almost jealous that this company was not around when my kids were small.

This company is SMART. Every month they create a box with all-natural ingredients and recipes to make your own toxic-free products. This month the ladies at Simply Earth have put together a box to make lip balm. It even comes with containers. There is nothing else you need to purchase. For the holidays, they added gift cards, if you want to give one away.

Check it out

What is super cool about Simply Earth is if you want one every month, you can become a member. There is never an obligation to buy like some other clubs, and you can cancel anytime. As an incentive, they are offering a Free Bonus Box to newbies. I am not going to tell you what is in it. You will have to take a look yourself...SHOCKING!!

As you get to know me better, you will discover I do my best to support independent businesses. I have a vision that we can one day take back our lives and our health. It is one of the reasons I support Simply Earth, and to make things 100 times sweeter, they are donating 13% of their sales this month to help stop human trafficking!

Even if you do not purchase their products, you got to give 'em a high five for making the planet better!

If you are new to using essential oils, they offer a free online course and an ebook for beginners.

Education is How We Evolve

As a former homeschooler, not only did I invest in books for my children, but I was always grabbing a good read for myself. I rarely read fiction. I save that stuff for real life!
!I would much rather dive into the unfamiliar. Give me data, graphs, and studies, and I am hooked like a kitty on catnip.

I found this one. The Toxic Sandbox: The Truth about Environmental Toxins and Our Children's Health. It is an eye-opener for sure!I understand we cannot live in a bubble, and I certainly do not live in fear. I live with the wisdom of knowing we can make a difference, and I hope you join me!

Blessings for a happy, healthy home! Thea

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Recent Comments


This would be nice for your website, friend. This is a niche-specific blog. It doesn't sit well with the rules. I don't want you to get into trouble. See if you can omit the affiliate links.
I do applaud you for taking the steps to help people see the dangers of everyday household products that are not safe to use at all.
For me, a greener planet is not about trashes laying around, but dangerous chemicals that played a negative role in our health and the planet itself.
There are chemicals that are drained in the ocean which could be the cause of Global warming. These chemicals could warm the ice, thus making the planet warmer.

We know that industrial chemicals and gases coming from dirty energy sources are a big part of global warming.

These global warming activists are fighting a one-sided solution. They should be focusing on all sides. I don't know why they would focus on industrial chemicals and gases, and not include chemicals that are doing damages to our health as we would use them every day.

The majority of the public either doesn't know or care about the chemical ingredients that are in the products they use. This is a major negative factor to their health problems. All the best!

i had asked about putting others links in and got no response. I don't ever worry about 'getting in trouble" .
I saw something about placing your first site content as an example of progress. Maybe that is where it goes? IDK, I am a newbie here, and if someone says something, then I can take it down. No biggie
As far as global warming goes, I did a lot of research on it and have a different perspective, However, pollution is a huge issue and it is certainly damaging our air and water!

This is just awesome! Great story, and motive for being passionate about your niche! I use I similar campany in the Bat Area called: Grove Collaborative. Maybe check them out for possible affiliate
Stay well and strong!!🙏👍🌿


Very well done, Thea! This is likely your niche as well, and I correct?


Natural healing is!
I am also assisting my son with his page. So I will be writing about music as well.
I am moving along slowly with building sites on Wordpress. But you can check his out here
I wrote an article on there already

Pretty awesome, Thea!


thank you Jeff

You're very welcome, Thea!


The research you did is highly informative, the only thing is you did not let me or others know what what was the illness of your son. Thank you very much.

He was diagnosed with autism. I did not include it because I blog on another platform and writing about natural healing is considered pseudoscience. The censorship out there is insane.
I do send out emails to my list and I mention it there because it is considered private but many other platforms won't allow it. Google censors this stuff too.
In today's whacky world you have to promote doctors and drugs. I don't. Healing with Mother Nature and God's energy is considered quackery!
Just look at the vaccine push. If you speak out against vaccines you're a conspiracy theorist.
We need open discussions and honest experiences. I do what I can where I can.

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