Success Has Arrived!

blog cover image

Image Prompt- (A quiet suburban street in autumn, leaves scattered on the ground, with a mailbox featuring a custom sign that says "Success" in red rounded letters, realistic view --v 5 --ar 1:1)

Today is October 4th, 2024. A couple of days shy of my anniversary date with the Wealthy Affiliate platform. I have had an Amazing ride so far in the past year. I have seen many new people join us and a few leave us to pursue other things. My personal journey has been a positive one.

My Personal Journey

My Personal Journey

Image Prompt- (A hiker on a vibrant mountain path, surrounded by blooming wildflowers, feeling a sense of accomplishment as the sun sets over the horizon --artistic photography style, warm tones --ar 16:9)

My Positive Experience

I have had good luck with the training here. Although when I first joined, I was a bit worried I made another mistake and joined another affiliate program centered on making them money instead of me. I am glad I stuck with the training and found out what they teach here is probably the best you will find anywhere online. There are many programs out there that are self centered and are concerned with making themselves money over your interest. They "Teach" you how to work and earn for them like a good little drone. Wealthy Affiliate (WA) is different. What the training does for you here is advance your knowledge to ultimately lead towards YOUR future success.

Upon Joining WA, you will see many bells and whistles. To some this experience is overwhelming, to others, it is seen as a challenge. I was one of the latter in that I love a good challenge and took charge of the training offered to me. I was shocked on how little I knew and just how much knowledge was being tossed my way. It did take me a while to let some of the training sink in and realise I am actually learning to build a business.

I have seen many changes while here. Training is ever changing. The platform itself has changed and improving the User Experience (UX). From what I understand now, there are even more advancements to the platform that are on the way. I cannot wait to see what they are and how they will work to improve the UX going forward.

A Major Milestone Occurred Today

Today I had the both the best and worst day ever. Today, I was "Supposed" to arrive in Munich for the final weekend of Oktoberfest. Due to silly oversight at work that created a major staffing issue, I was forced to cancel my trip. My friends have arrived and are settling in to enjoy a pretzel on my behalf. This is the worst part of my day as I was really looking forward to this trip and time away.

a major milestone passed

I Passed A Major Milestone

Image Prompt- Imagine a lone traveler reaching a breathtaking structure, marking a major milestone on their journey. The sun sets in the distance, casting long shadows over the rugged terrain. Use warm colors and a realistic style. --ar 16:9

Now to the good part of my day. Today was a good day! The stars must have aligned because everything has worked in my favor today. Today for some strange reason, someone or something decided all at once that I needed to succeed. I will highlight an occurrence that in not typical for me, but highlights some of what I learned here at WA.

A couple of days ago, I received an email that a sale was going to take place today and throughout the weekend within my niche. It was a rather huge sale. I reached out to my "GUY" at Fiverr to write sales copy email on my behalf. (Investment $85 for the Copy). I received 3 different versions of the same ad and as they were all well written, I went with the first option presented.

I have 2 different email services I leverage when collecting emails. I use Aweber and GetResponse. I am also a affiliate for both programs and get a commission when I send them traffic and someone subscribes. The largest list I maintain is on the GetResponse platform currently just over 8100 emails related to my niche. I added the copy and fired away. Looking at the metrics, I sent just over 8k emails and scored a 58% open rate. This alone was impressive, but still not what has me so excited.

I have not yet compiled all of the data on commissions yet, but I can share what my woocommerce store did that has me excited. Bare in mind, this is just 9 orders at 25% commission. This alone makes me nearly $1400 in a single day. This is my highest total ever and was accomplished in just 9 sales. This does not even take into consideration the commissions I will be getting on the traffic and sales sent directly to the supplier. I do know that sales have taken place by alerts, but not sure of the totals there as of yet.

woocommerce store

I Was Floored When I Seen This!

This was my greatest milestone so far. This is why I am beside myself at the moment having a cognac and smoking a greatly overpriced cigar. (<--- I have had Better ones that was way cheaper!) This shows what training can do if applied correctly. Email Marketing is a powerful tool when used properly. I would suggest building a list within your niche and using it. A surprise for you could be in your near future if you do.

cognac and an over-priced cigar

Image Prompt- Close-up image of cognac and a cigar on a glass-top table, reflecting the city skyline at night, showcasing the contrast between the smooth drink and rugged cigar --v 5 --ar 3:2

I am off to enjoy the remainder of this evening. I will keep you posted as future events unfold. The second ad copy is going out tomorrow morning on the Aweber platform. Wish me luck! There is only one way to go for me, and that is UP!

100% Human Written Content/ 100% Ai Generated Images with prompts included.

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Recent Comments


Interesting post - you had to cancel a trip, but got a bonus in commissions instead. Bittersweet joy...

Personally, I was afraid to use Generate Press theme because I thought I wouldn't be able to learn how to customise it...

Then I came across a really good tutorial on Youtube that demos how to use GenerateBlocks plugin.

I spent 3 hours yesterday customising my site and now it looks way, way more professional. Still working on it, but at least the learning curve wasn't that steep.

What am I trying to say - at first you find it difficult to learn the training at WA, then you get to grips with it in the end.

Thanks for sharing!

Thanks Stella. I am glad you pushed through and did not give up!

Nice post, Michael. Congratulations on your recent success!

I like your images with the prompts. I placed one into DALL-E. I got a similar result but not as good.

Different Image creators. I used Grok for this one I believe.

You are just getting dialed in brother! 🎉

In other words, the training is making me dangerous. Like a Samurai with a plastic Butterknife! lol

🙇‍♂️ 🥷

I love answering questions in comments, I get good ideas for image topics.

Congratulations! happy earning, more $$$ to come 👏👏👏

I hope so.

That is Great! Congratulations! If you dream it, you can achieve it!

That's right, Chuck! Anything we put our heart, mind, and soul into can be achieved. The impossible says... "I'm possible."

This is the truth. Now I need to Rinse and Repeat.

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