How Pennies A Day Can Give You Motivation To Keep Going [UPDATE POST]

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I have been thinking. That in itself is a very dangerous thing. But here is what is on my mind at the moment. Pennies A Day

How can pennies a day help keep you motivated you ask? Every day I log on and see them trickle in. How does this provide motivation? They are the result of a single post i've been tracking. Of course they are not the only sales that are coming in, but for me they are the most important. Here is why.

Figures It Would Happen When It Is All Changing

If you can recall, I created a post a couple of months ago entitled "Figures It Would Happen When It Is All Changing". It was one of my famous babble blogs announcing my first 3 sales with Amazon. Within an article about Heat Stress and Exhaustion I placed an affiliate link for a collapsable water bottle. Every time someone buys one, I make $0.39. On average, that link is clicked 3-4 times per week resulting in a sale. Going forward, I have named it my Amazing Water Bottle.

amazing water bottleMy Amazing Water Bottle

The Amazing Water Bottle

Every time someone buys one that is $0.39 in the black. What makes this Amazing? When people are on Amazon, they are not typically looking for water bottles. According to Jungle Scout, 56% of consumers begin their online shopping search on the Amazon platform. Exactly how does my amazing water bottle come into play? It provides a gateway to Amazon. When people click my link, they get a cookie. This Cookie spoils in 24 hours, but within that 24 hour window, I get credit for whatever they purchase on Amazon. What I am beginning to see is people clicking my little link and filling their shopping carts with other things adding to my happiness because I earn on those commissions as long as it occurs while they are snacking on the 24 hour cookie.

Another fact about the Amazing Water Bottle. It is within a post that is not related to my niche. It is on one of my "Toy Sites" or one I play around with. Although the site does occasionally cover a serious topic or two. It is not my main focus. That post, with that single link is what makes my water bottle amazing. That single post gets enough views that it is creating sales. Basically by accident.


If one post can create sales by accident, imagine what 100 post could do when you put your mind and creativity into them. Every time I get discouraged because what I feel is awesome content does not work out and receive traffic, I reflect on the affiliate link that happened by accident. It brightens my day and provides me with a reason to keep going. One post, one link, and an Amazing Water Bottle is my motivation to keep going.

Thank you for taking the time to read this. This post is 100% Human Content.

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Recent Comments


Good job! You have to love Amazon!

Yesterday, someone clicked one of my many Amazon links, not to buy what I was promoting but a $1,300 electronics item. Here's $40 coming my way.

I love that you said 100% human content!

Transparency is best.

I'll take $0.39 any day of the week. I have an ebook where I make $0.35 and have made $1700+ since 2009. Great post!


Thanks Mel

You are most welcome Michael.


Great message and so very true! All the small compounding steps lead to the bigger picture.

Keep succeeding!


Thanks Tracy

Motivating indeed

Inspiring. Thanks for your post.

Thank you for reading

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