Figures It Would Happen When It is All Changing

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"Congratulations, your Amazon Associates account (store ID: towguy8269-20) has been reviewed and approved. Please note, if you had configured this store ID to earn globally, we have approved and opened your store ID in all those countries as well."

Figures I would get this when the Amazon Jungle is all changing. Now I can finally take my time and build content and not have to worry about those 3 pesky sales anymore. Yay Me!

It may not work the same for everyone, but I got all 3 sales in the same day and an extra one to boot.

How did I do it? I created a Twitter account with my brand as a handle and began posting my blogs. NO ONE Noticed me!

So I turned to the search bar and found users there that was posting stuff close to but not exactly what I was writing about. I followed them and watched what they was doing and how they was using hashtags to their advantage, so I started doing the same thing as I learn best by making mistakes, I figured I had nothing to lose. Turns out I was right this time, which never happens. I got a follower. Then another. People began reading my blogs. My traffic started to increase. Slowly, but increasing just the same. I was shocked.

I actually composed a blog about heat injury and hydration that day. A far stretch from my chosen niche but a serious issue facing towing operators in the summer months. I then went to bed as I normally do. I had 1 product linked in there. In fact, it was the only hyperlink in the entire article. I am almost embarrassed to say it was for a water bottle of all things. A collapsable water bottle that can fit in a backpack for under $10. I guess that silly hyperlink did it's thing, because when I woke up the next morning after sharing it (My Blog) on twitter, I sold 4 of them. I was a amazed. Not only because I sold 4 water bottles, it was because something I composed had enough value to at least 4 people out there that they clicked the link and made a purchase. People found value in something I wrote.

I guess what I am rambling about is, there is a water bottle in your future if you so choose. It was content that made it possible for me. IT will be content that makes it happen for you. Valuable content that you create will shape the path of your business. Content does not create itself and it is not easy, but it is possible. My advice to you is go forth and find your water bottle. Write about it and don't lose faith. It may take a while, but good things happen to those that wait.

I want to thank everyone who took time to read this. I would also like to the everyone who put together the core training program. Why you ask? Because less than 2 months ago, I knew absolutely nothing about creating a website, let alone a blog. I took a chance, and even if I never make another water bottle sale, I can sleep easy knowing I have it in me to succeed.

Thank you,


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Well done you, yes I remember when I made my first Amazon sale, I thought the person must have made a mistake and will return the product. How could a nobody like me, new to blogging convince someone to read my blog? not only read but find it useful enough to buy what I suggested. I could not believe it.
But that`s how it goes, you keep creating helpful content and then the sales start slowly.
Keep doing what you`re doing, more sales on your way.

Good morning Michael,

That's great news; well done for taking action and making it happen! Also, the fact that you haven't been a member of Wealthy Affiliate for very long makes it even more impressive!

It's interesting that you mention about Twitter, I believe long-term that Twitter will be huge! I believe Elon Musk wants to make it into a massive and fair platform for everyone. Twitter is much easier to use than Facebook, in my humble opinion!

Wishing you all the best and continued success.


Thank you Roybretton. I am on Meta as well, but I cannot bring myself to use it as a form of promotion. So many things about it I do not care about factored in that I use my account there for personal matters and staying in touch with family.

As far as Twitter (X) goes, a lot of large corporations are leaving because of comments Elon has made. Perhaps for the little guy, advertising there is not going to be a bad idea one day if all the advertising bullies are running away. I see them (corporations) leaving, but the numbers of people using the platform growing. Who knows what will happen.

I am on the same boat. I have never been much for Twitter but use it only to get links for me post.
But after Musk come in, it is so bad feeling that use it only for that, so I really don´t know how much longer I do that!
He is one of very few people I really can´t use things they owns!

But in the end (if we take Musk out), I believe that we need to think which Social media or Pinterest have the most pros for our niche.

It's a pleasure, Michael!

I often imagine that when Facebook was first created, it was designed for staying in touch with friends and family! But that doesn't seem to be the case any more! I just find Facebook so cumbersome and clunky to use! We have a Facebook page for the village and sometimes you want to see all the comments, but it just seems a performance and time-consuming task!

Twitter is so much easier and quicker to use and I always think more professional. I would like to think that Elon is too clever to let Twitter collapse! I think he wants to keep it a free speech platform and does not want to be bullied by large corporations. Maybe they could even be an opportunity for smaller people to advertise on Twitter.

It's good news to hear that the platform is growing. I had quite a few acquaintances who had their accounts banned, but fortunately, now they have been reinstated with Elon Musk. I just think it's good to have free speech, even if we don't agree with what someone else is saying.

A very happy Sunday to you.


Thanks for the post, Michael. I have been trying to figure out where to put a blog and how to use hashtags. As a newbie, this information was very helpful for someone that is not on social media but need to use these platforms to promote products.

drmante59, I wish you luck. And thanks for reading it.

Very inspiring Michael! “There is water bottle in your future if you choose “!

Wishing you all the best in your online journey!

Maria 🌹

Thank you, I will need it.

Love this story Michael. Nice work. Get your website up and running as your foundation, and there are many ways you can drive traffic and revenue.

Keep up the great work!

Thanks Kyle!

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