Embracing the Sideways Slide: Navigating Life's Unplanned Detours

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I want to wish y'all a fabulous Thanksgiving weekend...

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I have been busy the last few days, and our internet connection has been upgraded and is now very fast. Able to simultaneously handle multiple devices (up to 100 without effort and minimal seconds latency if none), streaming HD videos, video conferencing, and gaming. It's a much-needed upgrade, as I am about to start serious streaming next month.


Have you ever found yourself in a situation where things didn't quite pan out as planned? Picture this: you're all set, your plans are ironclad, and you're ready to conquer the world. But then, reality checks in, and things go a bit sideways. Welcome to the universal club of 'Trying and Not Quite Succeeding.'

Stumbling and fumbling isn't just a part of life; it's a rite of passage. Think about it: when was the last time you heard a story about someone who got everything right on the first go? Exactly, it's as rare as finding a unicorn in your backyard.

Now, let's talk about the art of failing. Yes, you heard that right, the 'art' of dying. It's not just about tripping up; it's about how gracefully you can do a faceplant and still get back up with a grin. The beauty of not nailing it on your first, second, or even third attempt is that with each stumble, you're learning, growing, and collecting some great stories to tell.

Imagine failing as your trainer, pushing you beyond your limits. Each time you think you can't possibly do more, failure whispers, "Try again, but this time, maybe don't do that thing that made you fall flat last time." It's a process of elimination, really. You're like a detective in your own life, ruling out what doesn't work to find what does.

Here's where it gets even more enjoyable. Every time you fail, you're actually inching closer to success. It's like playing a video game where each "Game Over" screen is nudging you closer to the final boss. You're building resilience, character, and an impressive tolerance for caffeine.

Let's remember the unexpected joys of failing. You start something, it goes horribly wrong, and then you find yourself on a completely different path that's ten times better. It's like ordering a coffee and accidentally receiving a chocolate cake. You didn't know you wanted the cake, but you live your best life here.

Life's a wild ride; failure is your somewhat annoying but precious travel buddy. It's about embracing the mess, enjoying the detours, and failing a little better each time. So, go out there, make mistakes, learn from them, and remember: every epic tale needs a few plot twists.

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Recent Comments


Very profound. I will summarize your post with a saying I use often: Winners know how to fail. Failures don't know how to win.

On a side note, failing does not make someone a failure. Quitting and not trying is what makes someone a failure.

As a teacher of English as a second language (ESL), so many of my students won't speak because they're afraid of making mistakes. I encourage all my students to allow themselves to make mistakes. Trying to convince them to get out of their own way and allow themselves to make mistakes, that that's how they will learn the language is perhaps my single biggest challenge.

Thanks for your post.


Ah, yes, it's a wild ride, and I know of what you speak. Trial and error and try again is the order of the day. It's nice, though, to glean those little insights along the way that you know you can use again to help you forward. Each of these little nuggets reinforces your learning and helps your progress.

Great message Abie. At one time I would not do something in fear of failing. Now I try something in hopes of failing the first time because that just gives me lessons to improve the next attempt. I close the first failure door to open the next and carry on. Like building my first website. It will be a continuous cycle and as my mentor in this community said, you learn by doing. It may not be what you want as the outcome the first time but you will never learn if you don't take action and try.

Thank you again for the post. This community is amazing.



Your feedback comment makes absolute sense. You would also test the water and get to know yourself better each time. There are more benefits to failure than one realizes.

I appreciate your profound comment here, William!

I think that, instinctively, that is what most of us do, Abioi! Nothing is ever guaranteed! Wise words!


That's very true, Jeffoi :) Good to see you, and happy Frisatsu Thanksgiving weekend.

Same to you, Abioi! I'd enjoy it more if it wasn't snowing here!


Wind gusts and cold here, but no snow. I hear you, Jeffoi :) Well, I know you'll try your best.

Appreciated, Abioi!

You're always welcome, Jeffoi :)



Great article Abie, lots of really good information.


Thank you, Larry :) I appreciate your feedback.

Abie you are very welcome.


Thank you, Larry :) Always a pleasure.

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