No Resolutions Only Goals


Month 1

I only worked on WA projects, doesn't feel like work, 10 hours a day 6 days a week.

I wanted to, I enjoyed it!

Month 2 has begun

As I reflect, I have broken resolutions year after year. So, I decided not to set myself up for feeling like a failure. This year I took my fellow WA member's advice and made a schedule.

I have not lived up to my schedule., but it feels good to be obligated to a routine.

I look at my goals everyday for encouragement and to remind me of what I am setting out to accomplish.

  1. My goal is $178 a day.
  2. I want to be a SUPER AFFILIATE IN 2019
  3. SIGN on Average 1 new WA member/day (6.6 members x 45 weeks = 300 new members)

It is my desire to generate this amount of revenue from my websites. I have set aside 3 hours/day, 6 times a week to accomplish this. I do not have any idea whether or not this is possible, but for 2018 this is what I want to do.

I am told that one should have a goal, and it will give you something to work towards. Have you set any goals this year? Think about it it might be a good idea.

On that I hit the button.

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Recent Comments


It is good to have goals. have you taken your goals and set it up not only in the hours a day you are willing to put towards it, but also broken it down into what tasks you must do each week or each day? If you haven't, I urge you to. It will help you towards making your goal a reality.

Hi Sylvia,
You have the right attitude for success. Commitment is the key. Enjoy each step.

Keeping to a schedule is just practice. Once you starting doing it, it will get easier. Don't get down on yourself if you miss part of your schedule....stuff happens. Your goals will keep you motivated and you will reach them. All the best to you!

Sounds like you have some great goals keep working at them.

Goals and action plans work for me. I think your goals are great Sylvia. Wishing you every success with achieving them too. ~Mark

I set myself goals every month, then work out a plan on how they can be achieved. Of my 7 goals last month I achieved only 2 of the 7 although 4 were only just missed and the 2 I did achieve, I actually overachieved on them.
This tells me either my plan was off kilter or I didn't stick to the plan.
The truth is probably a bit of both.
I have tried to make a better plan this month.
With Grace and Gratitude

WA is far more enjoyment than work in meeting goals!

So true!

How good is that! nice work Sylvia. If you don't try you will never know if your work schedule will work or not. Adjust it if not and work upwards again.
You are such a bright star!
Cheers Jae


Hi Sylvia Those are good goals and you have a great attitude. I have set some goals as well, but am already having to adapt because circumstances changed. Neverthless I need to keep moving forward doing as much as I can every day.Best Alan

You see I can't stick to my schedule yet.

Wow, those sound like great goals. I wish you the best.

Hope I can do them

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