What I have learned In 4.5 years at Wealthy Affiliate


What I learned in 4.5 years at Wealthy Affiliate

I have learned a lot since I started here back in January 2016 and thought I would share it to anyone who cares to listen. Here is what I learned.

1) Learn to think outside the box and don't follow the masses. I learned thinking for myself brings better results than letting others do it for me.

2) Realize that success doesn't come all at once. It comes in hills and valleys over time. One month you may be thinking wtf this doesn't work. The next month you could be getting major results and not even knowing why it happened.

3) The training is great but once you understand the basics, you are ready to move. Don't paralyse yourself.

4) Being a social butterfly doesn't build out my website. I learned working quietly brings much more results than being in a sea of chatter.

5) I am in control of my ship. That's what's great about this platform. You can direct your ship in any direction.

6) Patience is key to success

7) Failure is part of the process of succeeding.

8) Ask for help and actually listen to what's being told instead of being stubborn and negative.

9) Be honest with yourself. If it isn't working there's a reason. Work it out,ask questions and be honest with the effort your putting forth.

10) Stop being so serious. There's no reason to develop the do or die attitude. Take each day at a time. If you need a break, take a break.

These are just a few lessons I have learned over the years and life has gone on and W.A. is not a huge part of it. In fact I spend maybe an hour a day on my website but it's grown to over 450 blogs and has regular traffic. SInce it's a bootcamp website there's a lot of competition but still, I get some good surprises here and there.

My best advice is to go slow, take the advice of honest people here who have been around a while. Some advice I take with a grain of salt. There's many opinions out there so common sense works best.

If you don't succeed that's ok because the path to success is full of failures.

Good Luck And Be Safe

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Wonderful experience-based tips, David! Thanks for sharing!


Thank you for sharing such good advice David.

Thank you for sharing this great post.
Stay safe.


All great suggestions Michael, thank you and I am sure members will get some real value from this post
All the best as you keep moving forward

Good adviceSurfdude.

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