Moving On - Level two complete

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Just over two weeks in.....

The last 8/9 days have flown by; with two weekends of commitments and a company to run. I feel like I should be further ahead but I am limited on time.

I was also challenged with trying to work out images!!!! It took me two hours to find a few images for one article. Felt like a bit of a brick wall.... not many fee images out there for my niche.

I have received good advice around using Canva & starryai; however it seems to me that I will need to spend some time learning to use these new tools. I have put a pin in it and am settling for related or abstract concept images.

I wrote another article on Friday, trying a new format and inserting images as I went. I was much happier with the result.

I want to redesign the site into a tile based approach but must resist the urge to tamper at this early stage. Stick to the training and introduce new stuff as it comes up.

Anyhow must dash; it's nearly 10pm and I need to start level 3. 5am start in the morning.

I am sure this will all work out.

"Trust the process" Tommy Rivs. Ultra Runner

See ya next week


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Recent Comments


You doing well. Keep learning and creating.

You are certainly making fantastic progress and fast Steve!!

Very well done my friend and all the very best moving forward!

Nice work Steve, you are doing great!

Well done, Steven! Keep succeeding!


Congratulations! That’s really superb :)


Thanks for the comment.

Can you tell me if we are going to cover design options later? The site is very basic now but we are developing content and imagery relatively quickly. Also I have just looked at the outline for level 3 and don't see topics around design but do see the potential for adding more to the site; e.g. Affiliate links, sponsored ads etc.

Should I be thinking about the design given that we are constantly adding to the site?

I hope you don't mind me asking.

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