Cane Toads and Content


In June 1935, the Bureau of Sugar Experiment Stations introduced Rhinella Marina, the Cane Toad, from Hawaii, in an effort to control the native grey-backed cane beetle. The beetles were causing major devastation to the sugar cane crops and something needed to be done.

The Cane Toad has since become a highly successful species. So much so that they are now a massive problem in Australia.

There are humane ways of euthanazing these toads and there are other ways (which I personally find abhorrent), such as golf clubs and baseball bats!

During the summer months - especially here in Queensland - they come out in their droves every night and so it becomes a nightly chore to go around catching them. I usually put them in a bag and then into a freezer, where they will naturally go into a state of estivation and then progress into a coma and die. I'm told that this is the most humane way of getting rid of them.

But what do cane toads and content have in common, other than the fact that they both start with the letter 'C'?

Probably not much, but I do draw some parallel here:

  • Despite all the ambient pressures, they continue to grow in numbers. As entrepreneurs in an online world, we are all faced with mounting pressures, yet we need to continue our efforts in creating more and more content.
  • Cane toads are successful because they have learned to adapt. Their diet varies tremendously, from insects to birds and everything in between. Similarly, in content writing, we need to learn to adapt to our audience in order to keep them engaged.
  • Cane toads get massive amounts of traffic. That is to say, huge efforts are being made to address them and the problems they are causing. Likewise, it is only the quality of our content which will yield good traffic. Admittedly, though, our content should be recognized for the right reasons, unlike this feral pest!

I'm pretty sure there are many more analogies which can be drawn here but I'm sure you get the gist of my message.

Keep on writing quality content!

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What kinda problems do they cause? Just quick idea for someone not so familiar with Australian frog species :-)

They are not Australian. They have been imported to get rid of the cane beetles. They kill other animals that eat them. They have no enemy's here but people.

They also cause issues with domestic animals, such as dogs and cats. If a dog tries to eat a toad, it can actually die from the toad's poison.

That is right. Crows seem to be the only ones that know what part to eat and not die.

I realise they are not Australian...the lack of predators is indeed an issue!

Dogs eating them? :-) WOW...They look huge! Didn't realise they were poisonous too!

I hit one once with a shovel and coped a face full from its rear end.
next time my wife tells me to hit one I will give her the shovel.
We had shovels at the front and rear steps because of snakes.

AH, the joys of living in Australia...beautiful country though!

I wouldn't want to live anywhere else in the world!

I can fully understand :-)

They do not call us the lucky country for nothing.
We do not have to carry guns around the streets like in trump country.

well, I am not from you are preaching for the converted :-)

Many thanks for the share :)

No worries, Tosh.

Geez...that toad is huge!


Very interesting post, Steve... Disgusting monsters they are... Can they really eat birds?
Very clear analogies drawn as well...Thanks...:))

They are a real pest!

A great post. A case of overcorrection. Thank you!

No worries, Mike.

Thanks for sharing, Stephen!

You're welcome, Rebecca.

That is one big A#$ Toad !! .....Thanks for the analogy.

I personally haven't seen one that size, but they do get huge!

Now those babies would produce some nice sized warts.


Look at the size of their glands!

OK.....I'm SO glad I live in New York City, lol.

Interesting analogy....I was wondering "Where the heck is he going with this!" But...I kept reading, lol.

Lesson learned.....

Let me guess, V, you thought I was going to write something about bounce rate, right?

Ah.....yeah....that's it.....bounce rates.....

Love it and laughing, at the size of those, they can not help but survive. thanks,

Some of them are enormous!


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