Earned the Google Badge
I am incredibly excited that I have just earned the Google Badge. I was not expecting to get it so soon. It was such a wonderful surprise after a long day at work. I do not even have that much content on there yet.
I currently have a couple of Keyword rich posts which must of made an impact. I am going to continue to enrich my website and add more content to draw in readers. I am having so much fun.
I also got some wondeful, helpful feedback from the Wealthy Affliate Community and I am truly grateful for that as I have implemented a few suggestions. I have been given some great ideas for further post aswell.
Blessings and Abundance
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Incredible job! It’s always a great feeling to receive a badge from all the hard work you done.
Keep up the great work :)
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I know I asked this before, I am not sure if I need to change my domain name, or can we build another website using the same domain but named different. I think part of the problem I am not getting any click through traffic is the domain name itself being in to much competition?
It probably has nothing to do with the domain name. People find your content via your posts, not the domain name.