Getting out of our Head- R & R

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(picture of person with hands to side of head with beam of light coming from head)

Hello my Fellow Entrepreneurs,

I would love to congratulate my peers for being energized to join Wealthy Affiliate.

I have found so much restoration with being able to creative write in a ritual over the past 9 years here in WA.

For one reason writing lets me Get out of my Head.

Writing allows me to get my thoughts into order and I can reflect on my journey when I read back in my WA blog memories.

For some Rest and Relaxing yesterday I took a nice walk on my local beach, which I am happy to say is literally right in front on my unit home complex.

(picture of crab sand balls which look like Angels in the Sand)

I have since a kid loved these little formations of sand balls that crabs make when they are digging their tunnels. I call them Angels in the Sand.

Another favorite pass time of my life is watching birds and I am amused by the common Seagull, there is a book written about a Seagulls life called Johnathon Livingston the Seagull, written by Richard Bach.

Here is an insert written out of the book

People who make their own rules when they know they're right...people who get a special pleasure out of doing something well (even if only for themselves)...people who know there's more to this whole living thing than meets the eye: they'll be with Jonathan Seagull all the way. Others may simply escape into a delightful adventure about freedom and flight. Either way it's an uncommon treat.

(picture of Seagull siting on beach)

Johnathon Livingston the Seagull contemplates whether he can fly or not.

Something that us humans do all the time, contemplating if we can do something or not.

My stance since reading this book is

Where there is a will there is a Way, quoted to me from my mother Eileen every day!

Being here in WA community is an honor and a pleasure, something I do not take for granted and I pray Kyle and Carson all of the successes to continue to maintain Wealthy Affiliate's Platform.

Wishing you inspired members to take action on some R & R.

Kind regards

Erica~ The jewellery designer creating heirlooms for future generations!

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I have been thinking of R&R. Not just for me but also for my loved ones.

I see myself a little busier these days. I also see my loved ones working so hard. Long hours at the same job every day.

I feel they and I need a break. And have been looking at places to visit in Malaysia. A nice vacation.


Good to hear from you Tim, yes R & R is so important for all of us, as life can pass by so busy rushing day to day,

I wish you a wonderful holiday :)

Kind regards

R&R is so important in all aspects of our lives Erica!

I've just come back from a nice stroll on the beach in the French Riviera myself!! :-)

Hello Nick,
Thanks so much for sharing your R & R .

That sounds like a lovely walk :)

I am thinking now as I write this to get down to my beach for an afternoon stroll :)

Wishing you a wonderful weekend.

Kind regards

Cheers Erica!

I'm back home now and enjoying a lot of R&R over the weekend!!

Take care my friend! :-)

Awesome news, back to work haha no rest for the wicked

Have a nice evening :)

Kind regards

Back to work on Monday is not really awesome news for me Erica!!!

But it has to be done my friend!!!

Take care ok! :-))

Sorry Nick I did not mean literally all work is awesome, just I miss your activity here in WA :)

Wishing you a wonderful Sunday !!

Kind regards

No need to be sorry Erica!! I know you didn't mean it that way!! 😁

I hope you had a wonderful Sunday as well my friend and enjoy a fabulous start to the new week! :-)

Thanks my friend :)

Monday morning here nearly 4am and i am getting ready to walk on my beach for sunrise photography that I love so much :)

I love Mondays πŸ™


Nearly 4am?? Damn you get up early Erica!!

The only time I see 4am is when I haven't been to sleep yet!!

Enjoy the beach my friend!! :-))

Thanks so much Nick, yes I have always been an early bird :)


I consider myself a night owl my friend! :-)

haha I was both once a night owl and a early bird, and for quite some time did not sleep sadly do to trauma

Enjoy your evening :)

Sorry to hear about that Erica...

Take care ok my friend! :-)

Thanks so much Nick :)

You too πŸŽΌπŸŽ¨β˜•



Thanks, and great article, writing is a reminder and achieves thoughts


Hello Clo, thanks so much for your kind comment and your right I like how you put it that writing is a reminder and it allows us to achieve our thoughts.

Kind regards

Nice Erica ...
Isn't that book Johnathon Livingston the Seagull made into a film with music from Neil Diamond ? It was a great success ... We go back to 1977 here ...

Hello Chris thanks so much for your message here and I am not sure I will double check that about the movie, I would love to see that if it is.

An entrepreneur told me about that book when I was in my 20's back around 1996, stuck in my mind ever since.

Wishing you a wonderful new week :)

Kind regards

Hello Chris, thanks again

I just checked You Tube for a bit more info on the Movie, ah it was 1973 actually the year I was born, ah I never seen it but I will absolutely find out where I can watch it.

Here is the link to the review of the movie and further info which is fascinating :)

Just google it Erica ... I also did ... you wil find it but I can not say we are talking about the same book but the seagull is Jonathann ...

Yes we are on the same page, Chris, Johnathon is the Seagull.

I watched a trailer for it, in that above link.

Very interesting review about the movie.


Good that you enjoyed it. Take care :-)

I am not sure I will actually watch the movie itself, I just watched a review on it :)


Hi Erica

My wife and I spend lots of time walking on the beach. It’s great for the mind and body! 😎

Frank 🎸

Hello Frank, thanks so much for your reply here, yes I happen to agree on that walks on the beach is restorative :)

Wishing you a wonderful midweek.

Kind regards

Same to you, Erica. 😎

Frank 🎸

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