Digital AI Warfare- Keeping Alert

blog cover image

(cover picture of fire and digital satellite tools)

Hello my dear Fellow Entrepreneurs,

I would firstly like to check in on my friends and encourage everyone to stay vigorous in their online security presence.

(A picture of Earth on a hand being passed over to another hand)

My aim of this post is not to frighten people in working business online but to shed some alerts for extra care while maintaining online activities.

Firstly everyone is now aware of Artificial Intelligence (AI)

With the onset of AI, it has made it easier for scammers to hack, fisch and break into large banking corporations, along with online website platforms.

Scammers are using HYPER AI images and HYPER AI videos to attract unsuspected and vulnerable buyers.

They are creating advertisements and fishing for credit card details.

The issue is that AI is so realistic and it is a form of hypnotherapy when used wrongly it can subliminal messages to the brain, suggest as FEAR, URGENENCY, INSPIRATIONAL and HAPPY.

This form of marketing is highly suggestive and it is totally and complete FRAUD.

Using hypnotizing ads as a means to steal is a scammers new warefare AI tool.

The issue is that currently in JULY 2024 the banks are literally under attack at the moment and losing millions every hour to suspicious bank card activities.

What to think about doing to protect yourself and your financial and mental health and life.

  1. Consider not saving bank card details on website platform, ask for a choice to save the card or alternatively put your card details in for every single purchase.
  2. Do not save bank card details on your computer as auto save.
  3. Look for suspicious emails that are entering your main inbox and I find Gmail is the safest email host because they mark and identify spam mail and send to junk file.
  4. Enlist Anti Virus Software on all your devices, do not penny pinch when using Anti Virus because they Update their software for a reason of cyber security of recent threats.
  5. Do not click on random links in social media and in text messages.
  6. Check all your phones capabilities for spam checkers.
  7. Use 12 coded passwords
  8. Use Multifactor password protection, this means when logging in it will send a code to your phone number.
  9. Log out of sites once finished with.
  10. Clear Browsing data.

I am sure there are more things to consider but at the moment that is a fair check list to peruse for suggestions to stay protected.

Also I would like to just finish by saying a quote.

Remember if you are rushing , you probably are not thinking with intuition.

Be guided my friends and protect yourself as this AI warfare has only begun.

Kind regards

Erica ~ The jewellery designer producing heirlooms for future generations!

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Thanks, Erica for sharing this valuable information. Hackers and scammers are getting much more sophisticated. You kind of have to admire them. They just keep pushing and don't give up. They try the tired old scams and when those no longer work, they innovate and move on to something new.

Don't get me wrong, I despise hackers/scammers but they have the kind of never give up attitude that we need in our businesses!


Hello Karin,

Thanks so much for your thoughts here, I appreciate your opinions.

Yes you are so right if we had the never give up attitude we can achieve anything that is so right :)

Wishing you all the best with everything you do!

Kind regards

Thank you very much for this information. I sharpen my sight and mind than I have been doing. Scammers do not sleep!!
Thank you, once again.

Hello Joseph,

Thanks so much for taking the time to read this article I am sure you can see the importance with this, thanks.

As you say "Scammers do not sleep"!

Wishing you all the best with your online career and your biochemistry I love that field of study :)

Kind regards

I love to hear that you love Biochemistry. I have combined it with Microbiology and the duo is superb!! Thank you for the best wishes. True, I am progressing in learning how to do business online. I have resolved to concentrate on the learning process first. I know that once I would have mastered the learning, others will follow naturally.

Thank you very much, once again. Wishing, you too, a successful week.

Absolutely I love bio chemistry,

I studied Biology, Chemistry and little physics at my high school 34 years ago. all before DNA was discovered, and gene manipulation and it still all fascinates me the control of diseases.

Joseph you have the right attitude to take your online project step by step and not put a time limit, because it truly is a remarkable opportunity to build websites for your passions.

I am still building my 2 websites as I learn stage by stage new skills 8 years later.

Time you spend on something I am sure you know already is an Asset in your life for the future and onwards.

But also a website can become a lead generator for many other opportunities, it is just try not to get side tracked with the shiny object syndrome and get caught up wasting time on other peoples agenda's.

Wishing you a wonderful week ahead too :)


Thank you so much, Erica. Sure, a background such as ours, requires that you take a step at a time if one is to master the online business content. You know what we do in the biologicals and physical sciences, "Practicals" to prove the concepts. Even a theory is sustained by practicals and as you know it takes one failed proof (practical) to discard a theory.

This background has taught me to seek clear understanding of the principle underlying anything I venture into. If it requires me to invest more time, that is exactly what I do.

I am slowly mastering the online game and with patient endurance, I will succeed.

Thank you for encouraging me. We can discuss our online business using biochemistry language, i.e., the slowest reaction in the pathway is the rate-limiting step. So, any concept in this new venture which is hard to grasp becomes the rate-liming step in the progress. Even then it does not stop the movement through the pathway.

Please enjoy your day's tasks and never mind those rate limiting concepts, as long as we are sure to reach the end.

Take care

Thanks so much Joseph, I really appreciate your perspective for sure.

Yes your right in that regard as when doing the 'Practicals" to prove the theory yes for sure.

I rarely come across people who look at life in the sense of tests and trials to find an outcome, and hence in sciences case "Solutions" and "Antidotes".

I love how you bring into thought the "slowest reaction in pathways" being the limiting steps.

That terminology is new to me, I mean I know about limiting actions and limiting behaviors, and limiting restraints of the mind to not explore.

Fantastic stuff Joseph, yes absolutely enjoying my daily tasks is something I cherish, right down to the cleaning, in fact cleaning is one of my most joys, because I love the concept of renewal.

I wish you all the motivation and I will be sure to check in on your journey :)


Sure, Erica. Let's encourage one another and apply synergy in our struggles to succeed online. This community, at most supplies these values. Have a productive week.

Thanks so much Joseph, I really appreciate that :)

Yes shared encouragement is essential in any community that is so right 💥

You too my friend, have a fulfilling week :)


We must be vigilant, Erica!


Absolutely Jeff 💯vigilant I agree,

and not relax on our laurels as my mum Eileen would quote often to me :)

Wishing you a great new week!

Kind regards

Thanks, Erica! I hope your new week has been going well!


Thanks so much Jeff :), yes I had an awesome day yesterday.

I am here in WA at 3 am, as an early bird 🐤catching the worm!

I hope your new week is coming along good too!


Awesome, Erica! Mine is moving slowly along now!


Moving slowly is how it plays for me Jeff, taking my breath not to go to fast because that is when you miss things :)

Enjoy your evening.


Very true, Erica!



Good addition to yesterday's post!

I think it's a good idea to remove credit card information from vendors' servers. How many of us save our credit card information on Amazon? Imagine if they get hacked.

Good points! I am taking action today.

Hello Howard,

Thanks so much for your thoughts on this and sharing your personal experience about saving bank cards on servers platforms.

I also stopped saving my card on platforms where it allows,

My bank actually informed me now there is a new bank feature where you can by using the banks app, click on your bank card as being active or not so even if it was saved on a server it couldn't be used when you chose.

Wishing you all the best in your continued success :)

Kind regards

How do you pass the earth to another hand? Is it really that easy?

Really, Abie Oi.

🤣🤣 I was commenting on the image alt tag.

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