This takes work!


I have to let go of the fact I am not an academic. I have to let go that my grammar and writing skills are not the best...I need to let go of this.

The fact is, I used to help shy women go from ANXIETY DRIVEN at 9:00 am and speaking at a lectern by 3:00 pm

Who else could do this?

I was also tired and now have written an imperfect 21 Days Freedom from Shyness and must learn to market this imperfect E-book...It took me a year to write 79 pages!!!

God help me to stay with the program and not give up...

If their is an easy way, please let me know, my nature is to always take the hard way lol

2017 was the year I learned that their is always another way...Just ask!

Thanks Fellow Members


The Shy Buster!

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Being in the content business isn't an easy job for sure, although many people do think that making money online is easy and requires no work.

As for grammar and spelling - now, within the community there is a sub-platform called SiteContent where you can write your articles and then publish directly on your website.
So there, there is a spelling and grammar checker (next to image icon).

More info on Carson's profile: (Carson is the co-founder of Wealthy Affiliate, if Kyle is responsible for training, tutorials and other social aspect, then Carson is more of tech guy behind the community).

Anyway, there is a lot to learn for sure and trust me, you WILL be challenged! haha

I love learning and challenges myself and it is one of the reasons why I love being in the online business industry. Every day I learn something new, literally!

It definitely takes a lot of work but I think that is more important than any particular skill. The skills will come as the work continues. What was once hard will become easier and second nature when done enough.

All you ever have to do to succeed is take just one more step. We can all do that. If you get stuck or start to struggle, reach out to some of us. Don't hesitate to send private messages also. We can't all watch every blog post but most every one responds to private messages.

On my site, I have over 1000 products to manually load and create links for. That is a daunting task when I look at it in it's entirety but if I just look at getting bursts of 10 done a few times a day, progress happens faster than we think.

Stay strong and just take one step at a time.


Don't be so hard on yourself. Organize your posts before you write. Perhaps this will help.

I'm good! I lost some that I had already done so I feel the omg I have to start over...I did find some now, I am a little more relaxed.

Thanks for the article,
The Shy Buster!

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