Why is Google Analytics Tracking My Visits?
I have noticed when I go check my links, to make sure everything is working okay, that google is counting my hits to all the pages I have checked. Is there a way that I can keep google from tracking me?
It's making it look as though I have more visitors than I actually do. I am starting to think i am the only visitor to my site. LOL
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Hi Jovo,
My ISP doesn't change so I guess I need to check analytics out a little bit more and find how to filter it.
Boy that sure is gonna make my rankings go down even more with Google !! YIKES!!
Thank you so much for your response.
Even using the same ISP, your assigned IP address can change periodically.
When I used Charter cable for my home ISP, IP leases would be renewed about every two weeks. At that point, my IP address could, but didn't necessarily, change.
I'm in northern California. As far as I can tell, unless you pay extra for a fixed IP address, ISPs will occasionally change your assigned IP address.
In the old dial-up days, you'd typically get a new IP address assigned each time you logged in. With DSL and cable modem, the IP remains the same for a longer period but can get changed.
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You can un-check a box in the all in one SEO that stops this
Go to google settings and scroll down you will see a box to check to exclude administrator visits
Thanks Barry!