Going on holiday
Hello WA family! I'm off on holiday on the 24th and have been frantically trying to organise a lot of things. I've had a hectic few days and haven't had time to devote to my online business. Although I'm excited about going on holiday, I'm going to miss being away from the WA community. I know some of you are probably saying: "We are just a click away" but I don't know whether I'll be able to have time to access the internet while on holiday. So long! I look forward to chatting with you when I come back from my holiday.
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Hiya David! Yes pleeeeaase! Lol! Yep I'm heading to a sunny place and I'm super excited.
Enjoy the holiday. Give your body and your brain a rest. The best ideas often come when you are least looking for them.
Have a great holiday. Be sure to take a pen and notebook to keep track of all of the new ideas that will flow into your head.
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Enjoy your holiday and have fun!! Debbie