Dehydration and Chronic disease


For 10 years now I have been buying NEXUS magazine and have come across so many wonderful articles on health and how people have CURED themselves of CANCER (in Australia you cannot advertise that you can cure cancer!So much for free speech and democracy!)and what really angers me is how we are being blatantly lied to about sickness,disease and cancer.But I digress.What I want to share with you is an article entitled : Dehydration: The Cause of Many Chronic Diseases by Fereydoon Batmanghelidj, MD (b 1931 d 2004)

Essentially what he is saying is that DEHYDRATION is the underlying cause of many chronic "diseases".Proper intake of WATER,SALT, AND MINERALS can prevent these illnesses.

So called "modern'' medicine still blames viruses or genetics for most of these degenerative conditions and the pharmaceutical industry would lose billions in profits if people relied on the NATURAL HEALING PROPERTIES OF WATER rather than on toxic and expensive drugs.

He discovered that everything in the human body or in any living matter is regulated by the presence of WATER!He found out that HISTAMINE(we have all heard about antihistamine) is a neurotransmitter in charge of water regulation in the body.

So the new truth in 21st century medicine is that dehydration is the primary cause of painful,degenerative diseases including cancer and AIDS.

Dr Batmanghelidj spent 22 years researching the effects of dehydration on the human body.

"The Drug Industry Suppresses Knowledge of Water's Benefits: By ignoring the dominant importance of water to optimum health and well-being of the human body, the medical and scientific have allowed the drug industry to perpetrate fraud against society.This is actually constitutes a form of terrorism.The TV and media terrorise people by producing fear tactics forcing people to go to their doctors who only treat symptoms and don't look to cure their patients"!

The article is a long one it covers 13 pages in two issues of Nexus Magazine(Vol 21 Nos 3 & 4) with masses of ground breaking information about the importance of keeping your body hydrated.

What I have learned by studying this article is that as we grow older we lose our ability to identify when we are thirsty and that leads me to conclude that a lot of elderly people's health would improve just by drinking water!

The water you drink should be filtered , or if you are fortunate enough to have access to natural spring water that is not contaminated with chlorine or fluoride.

If you are interested in learning more than read the transcript of his lecture at Government Health Forum,Washington DC,USA 28-30 March 2003 at


'Nuff Said!

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Recent Comments


Wow thank you for all reading this and please spread it around I want as many people as possible to know that regaining your health does not have to be complicated or expensive....I love to share knowledge that will benefit others and I want no accolades for doing it...

That was interesting! Thanks.

Wow! Interesting!!!

Very good data,!! Thanks!

Very interesting, thank you for sharing this! I really need to read this... Lori

Thanks for sharing Scorpio15
Thats some really great info! It amazes me of the simple fixes that are out there, can really heal our bodies and prevent disease but are kept in the dark by certain groups?? Not good for business I guess. Thanks

Ironic, but obvious. It makes total sense. We have always had what we require but people don't utilize their resources in the right ways. We eat what we shouldn't and disregard what we need. The solution would be so simple!

Nice info, thank you.

Thanks for sharing this simple truth. I drink a lot of water for many years now because I am aware of it's importance. Water is everything. And clean free water will be the most important issue of our lives in the near future.

Very interesting post I always felt nature provided plants etc to just about help with everything

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