Friendly Diamonds or Unfriendly Diamonds? Does It Matter?

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Does It Matter?

As an online business owner, I am forever watching the way words are used in advertising. I pay close attention to how words are used in ads.

When I got an email about "Friendly Diamonds," I almost deleted it because I don't think of diamonds as friendly. I thought it might be written by AI, not a person.

I never thought of diamonds as having a personality.

Getting Reader To Click Open

Even though I was unsure, I opened the ad.

It turns out "Friendly" was talking about an easy way to design your diamond ring on their website. The clever use of words got me interested, but I didn't end up designing or buying a ring.

Looking back, the ad worked to make me curious, but it didn't make me buy anything.

If I had to advertise a chance to design a diamond, I would focus on making it a special and personal experience. I'd talk about creating a one-of-a-kind ring that fits your style.

Using words that make people feel something and showing that the design process is easy could help sell more.

Using a different or unexpected message can get attention, but it's important to connect it to why the product is special.

Finding A Balance

Finding the right balance when catching someone's interest and showing the product's value is the key. This can make people not just curious but also interested in purchasing.

What is your opinion of the success of this ad.?

How would you advertise a diamond designing opportunity?

Do slightly off-kilter messages attract your attention?

Or do they make you suspicious?

Please share your opinion,

Thank you,


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Recent Comments


The psychology behind it all is quite interesting but I tend to err on the side of caution. It does get curiosity though!


Thanks, Susan for reading and sharing. Studying words has long been a habit. However, that doesn't mean that I don't get it wrong.

I'm always suspicious of click baity headlines. I try to steer clear of them, but don't always succeed - sometimes they arouse interest. Cheers, Jenni.

I guess how we perceive the personality of diamonds is a personal thing, but nonetheless did result in me opening the ad! That could be counted as a win the the site.

Thanks, Jenni for reading and responding. Best wishes as you proceed,

Me too Sami. I love to study and analyse advertising psychology. The same is true with trailers for reality TV programs. People watch the programs because they can't resist watching the bizarre antics of other folk. On you tube we call it click-bait - making the title appear to be really interesting and then nothing of value in the video.

Thanks for reading and responding. I agree, it is sometimes frustrating to find that you have spent the time opening and reading the intro- and so little about the "bate" words.
Much success in your ongoing efforts,

Guess it depends on the target audience. An ad email like this won't interest me. The subject header would result in immediate delete by me.


It almost had me hitting delete until the possibility of understanding the personality of the diamond formed in my mind!

It was interesting in that I had not considered the possibility of being able to design my diamond ring, online!

Have a great day,

I love fresh captivating headlines that sometimes don't make perfect sense. That's all part of the intrigue! After checking out headlines, if they are spammy, all information will be trashed. Learning how to make these decisions is all part of the journey.

Thank you for sharing , Sami.

Maxine :)

Thank you for taking the time to offer your take on wordplay in advertising.
Questioning intent is how I play, or look for the other side of things.
Have a great day,


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