My Daily WA activity!


Its been almost a month that I started on Wealthy Affiliate. Its just awesome and a learning curve for me. I may not see results yet but I do realise its for the long haul people and with training it will definitely yield results!!

For a newbie and who is working on a Day Job and doing the WA stfuff simultaneously its becomes bit difficult to mange both and do the very best.

The below are the steps and activities I'm following daily so that my WA learning is optimal and fits into my schedule. This has started just last week and yielding good results

  1. Comments on two posts in the Morning and Evening that's total four - This i'm doing while commuting from Office to Work and Vice Versa. My travel time is good 1 hour both ways and more than enough to read 4 posts and comment on them. This will leave at least 15-20 post comments on work weekdays.
  2. If time Permits I do some training during travelling or come home and do Training of one course at least and complete the tasks.
  3. Do research on your niche for about 30-45 minutes.
  4. Write content of about 200 words daily.

By following above four steps I achieved writing 4 posts getting comments of about 45 till now and built 2 websites. Now learning Course 3 Lesson 6.

This game i discovered only last week. I intend to follow the above for next month and see where I am.

I will keep you posted.

Thought of sharing the above especially for people who work daily and building their fortune on WA simultaneously. I am sure most of people are doing the above just a post to remind people again.



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A great strategy to utilise otherwise wasted time, having travelled to work for similar timeframes all I can say is program in at least one way in or out as a break per week.

The break will do you good. And you will most likely get better results.

Sounds like a great plan! I have to drive to work as I start too early for public transport otherwise I would use time like that! I need to sit down and write out a plan like yours. Thanks for the inspiration.

Thanks Megan, Yes this does not work for those who drive. But I am sure you will definitely come up with some plan

Post us once you have something

Thank you

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