Is your site secure?
Just had some issues with this and discovered that my site was not secure. Look at your URL in the field with your website name at the top of the screen and make sure the padlock is in a locked position. If it does not, then you should contact Site Support to have them help you to secure your website.
I have no idea what they did, but it took a few weeks to work their magic and fix my issue. When I did a couple of site comments for other WA members, I noticed both of their websites were not secure as well.
Please do this simple check.
I'm sure this is mostly a heads up for the other fellow newbies who don't realize they have a problem if their URL doesn't show the closed padlock and the word Secure at the beginning of your URL.
As a non-techie, I just know this isn't a good thing and wanted the newbies to be aware. Sometimes you just don't know what you don't know.
Update 5/19/18: I discovered that my free website under Siterubix was not secure. After contacting Site Support for help, they advised that SiteRubix sites are not covered by the SSL Security (https). I must transfer it to an owned domain. Thought you would like to know if you are using the free Siterubix websites.
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Those that are hosting here in WA can turn this on themselves. Using the "websites" link, then clicking on your website details you will see the screen in the attached photo. You can activate site SSL from there.
Thanks for that info. I guess I had a problem with one of my pictures that was causing the problem. Site support had me remove my graphics and I changed my theme 3 times because they thought it was a theme issue. It was pretty aggravating, especially when I'm so non-tech savvy.
1 click on websites
2 click on Site Manager
3 click on Details
4 Scroll down to SSL and click On
That's all you need to do.
You got me there - can anybody else help? Not sure if you have to refresh? Ask Site Support if you don't get a response from anybody or put it on Live Chat.
Send Site Support an email. Something came up the other day about images and the images needing to be optimized with a plug in that made them secure.
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I have the pad lock closed!
Thank you!