So Your Using AI to Write Posts Then!

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Artificial intelligence appears to be a really popular topic here on the Wealthy Affiliate platform. I must admit that I have written a few posts, regarding AI, even though I know very little about the subject! I do find it absolutely amazing what technology can do for us and how can make lives better and easier, in many cases. AI is something that also seems to be moving forward really quickly.

You can see the post that I wrote back in February, below.

I still have very mixed feelings about AI, there are some things that I totally disagree with, this part isn't for Internet marketers. However, I can see the potential for lots of low quality content that is watered down or spun from the Internet.

I did try and article writer, I would say the majority of the articles that it wrote, were complete rubbish, especially if you have something that is very niche orientated or a bit more specialised. I guess this is due to the fact that some subjects or content is just not really available on the Internet. I would say that if you know your niche and know what you are talking about, you are much better quality article then what AI can achieve! But that's just my personal experience!

Recently, I have seen a few blog posts on Wealthy Affiliate that distinctively have that AI feel. I actually asked a member if they were using an AI writer, my comment was deleted, so I have my answer! It's up to every individual how they write their articles, I was just curious as it is interesting to learn how others are using AI etc.

So if I can detect an AI post, I'm sure Google can! It would be interesting to hear other members experience with article writers etc. I appreciate that you can use an article writer and then go and edit the article, but is it really worth? I would be interested to know. In my experience, I lost time with the AI article writer.

As I mentioned, I know very little about AI, but I'm keen to know more about the subject and other members experiences.

Thank you for reading.


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AI is quite the helpful tool, of course if you are using the more reliable ones, for online marketing like blogging, idea generation, and the like. The keyword is "tool" - so one has to do their due diligence like editing and especially checking facts which it can terribly get wrong.

As a marketing agency, we encourage our clients to use them as needed

Thank you for your response, Chris, it's appreciated.

It appears that many people are finding AI very helpful for creating ideas etc. I guess it's like every tool; if used with care and properly, it can be very useful. I have seen many absolutely horrendous mistakes by AI!

It's interesting that you are encouraging your clients to use AI, it obviously has more good points than bad points!

Have a great day.


Very interesting. Thank you for this as I myself was wondering about AI and content. I was thinking if you used Ai to write content then did some editing to make it your own. But I'm still not sure about this. I am new and looking for shortcuts to content writing as I'm still learning, but I don't think there are short cuts to things like this. I'm sure Ai is going to get better and better as time goes on, but I also think if we rely on AI to do all the work, how are we going to learn and improve?

Good morning Kimberly,

Thank you for your input, I do appreciate it.

For your interest, yesterday, I tried using ChatGBT for something that I have good knowledge of. In the very first sentence, it made a massive mistake and literally just contradicted itself. Fortunately, I could see the mistake easily; however, would someone see that mistake who doesn't know their niche?

Like you, I am still learning about AI, I do think that great care is required. In the AI's defence, I need to finish Kyle's course about using AI; it may answer some questions.

Yesterday, I book something slightly controversial into the AI, it gave me a very liberal answer! Not clever!

Maybe AI will improve, but I'm not 100% convinced yet!

A very happy Sunday to you.


As a writer myself, I find AI to be intriguing and a bit scary. There's definitely great potential there, but it's still not perfect. That being said, you really do need to know how to prompt the AI to get the right results, then go over them and make sure it's all factual.
I asked ChatGPT to write an article on WA the other day, just to see. It did a great job, with pros and cons that were true, but then . . . it gave a call to action to pop over to Amazon and buy Wealthy Affiliate! Imagine if you had a blog and left that in by accident!
I use ChatGPT all the time, but I prefer to write my own articles at this point. I use it to generate ideas, outlines and to translate things for me, since it does a better job than Google Translate. It's also very useful for spitting out several Instagram descriptions that I then play with and mix and match since I am terrible at creating those.
In short, it's an excellent tool with so much potential, but it would be silly to rely on it 100% for your content.

Good morning Genesis,

Thank you for your very detailed answer, I appreciate it.

I guess as a writer, you have a good bit of knowledge about certain subjects and you want to make sure that your writing is correct. It is amazing what AI can do; however, like you, I have seen the most horrendous mistakes that would be appalling. Some people would probably have used that article. So we then have watered-down content and the AI searching poor content, which is where I see the danger.

It's interesting that you say that ChatGBT is more accurate than Google Translate. I must try that as my wife is from Greece and sometimes I will use Google Translate to write something in Greek!

It's good that you're finding it useful for Instagram descriptions.

It does appear that many members are finding AI useful! I need to finish Kyle's course, to find out more!

Have a great Sunday.


I have a lifetime membership with one of them.

I've been using it to target my long tail. It will scrape the top 30 sites, telling me their word counts, headings and a commonly used word bank and average amount of uses.

From there I can have it give me an outline with a target on both word count and readability that it feels will make my article competitive.

From there I take over and start writing. I ignore more than half of what it mentions as I tend to write like a flow coming out of me and a lot of what it suggests isn't in me to write.

Out of curiosity last week I had it write a few paragraphs on a subject and found it to be a dull boring read.

From my time years ago in self publishing I feel it would take me longer to edit and make more interesting than just to write it from that flow place.



Good morning Jason,

That's interesting that you have a lifetime membership with one of the AI's, I hope that works out for you.

I understand what members are saying about using AI to help write a blog post. However, if you know your niche, in my experience, it does not seem worth it and as you rightly mention.

Just yesterday, I thought I would try using ChatGBT to help me write an article. In the very first sentence, it made an absolutely massive mistake. I didn't take anything whatsoever from the AI, however, I do know my niche fairly well. But what happens if people start publishing poor AI content and then the AI goes and searches for poor content, that's my concern!

It's an interesting subject and I appreciate your input.

Have a great Sunday.


You said

"In the very first sentence, it made an absolutely massive mistake. I didn't take anything whatsoever from the AI, however, I do know my niche fairly well. But what happens if people start publishing poor AI content and then the AI goes and searches for poor content, that's my concern!"

This is exactly what is happening and will grow exponentially until the penalties begin rolling out. Usually when it gets to that stage they swing a large hammer and smash many innocent parties who were at the wrong place at the wrong time.

I've noticed many folks complaining about time it takes to get indexed, and lean towards this being the cause. One case study I follow has loaded thousands of pages in a short time and waits to see what gets traffic and then is tweaking them after the fact to be better.

Most will just throw whatever up and call it a day though.



That's interesting about indexing, Jason, I hadn't heard that! I wonder if the case study could backfire, maybe Google will blacklist the site when it finds AI content! It will be interesting to see what happens.

Have a great day.


That's exactly what they are testing. But they are going in after the pages that rank high and tweaking them to get rid of that AI feel to them. So I'm guessing their plan might work.

An interesting plan, Jason, it will be good to know how it works out.

Have a great day.


For my bang for the buck, AI and Bard are great research tools, idea generators and helpers......... The maid does a great job at cleaning my kitchen but she can not cook like my mother used to, only I still seem to have that ability.

Those after the easy money and I see so many homeless people with that mentality, will use AI as the sole means to beat the system. Always after the next easy buck.

Okay, I saw Frank's post down there in the feed and now my fingers want to warm up and play the guitar some more.

Thanks for posting and giving my noodle ideas and for reminding me that easy today makes for a difficult tomorrow...........

The soul of the sluggard craves and gets nothing, while the soul of the diligent is richly supplied.

Super David Scott, the Zam Man.. well come next winter I am the Zam man, for now, Super David Scott. :)

Good morning Scott,

Thank you for taking the time to comment on my blog post, it's appreciated. It was also good to talk to you on live chat, yesterday, something I don't use very much.

That's a good and very true example in your first paragraph!

This is my concern, people will use AI to create poor content and then as time goes on, AI will search for content and produce even more rubbish!

I'm sure you have a lot in common with Frank!🎸🎸👍

In my experience, I have found shortcuts rarely work! I have tried pieces of software for various tasks, which would be great if they work, but they don't! They can actually just be a massive torment and a cost!

Thank you for your input Super David Scott!

Have a great day.


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