Summer vacation frustration


Tomorrow I'm leaving for a week's stay on an island in the Swedish archipelago with my daughter and my "boyfriend" (I'm 54 and he's 61 so it feels weird using the terms boy and girl, but what the heck, we love each other, that's all that matters). Lovely of course, we're gonna have a nice week together, my sons will visit as well, we will go for walks and (hopefully) sunbathe and swim. But what about the frustration then?

There's no internet available!! Aaaarrrggghhh! I won't be able to read blogs, to give comments, to enter content to my website. I can and will use my phone some, but there will be no computer or proper internet.

Oh well, I'll just have to give it at break I suppose. As Nathaniell at says: Hey, the internet will still be there when you get back!

Have a lovely week dear friends, work hard, be good to yourselves and your love ones, and I'll be back full force next week!!

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Enjoy your vacation, it sounds like an amazing time. Sometimes it is nice to "disconnect" for a bit too (just not too long lol).

Have a wonderful time in Sweden!

Enjoy yourself and it is always great to take a break, Katrin. :))
The community here at WA is always here for you. ;))

The vacation without an Internet will build your writing juices. When you come back, watch out WA Blog King or Queen, Katrin is going to be on a roll.

Have a great week and we will be seeing you when you get back.

Give yourself a break Katrin,

I think I'd just accept the inevitable and have a complete mind detox knowing that when you get back you'll probably end up blowing a gasket trying to catch up....hahaha

By the way, "boyfriend" is just fine by me....I hate the PC term "partner", yuck!
To me, "partner" is somebody your in business with not in love with.

Enjoy yourselves and catch up when you get back....BFN

I feel for you dear Katrin. Not to be able to access the WA site is a pain. Trust me, I just went through that with my self-exile recently. But as you say, the WA will still be here when you get back.

So 'Bon Voyage' and I wish you, your love and children a sun-kissed lovely holiday. God bless........

Have a wonderful time....maybe something is telling you to give yourself a break from the online thing for a moment....catch your breath, get 'revitalized' attention and take notes of those random thoughts and inspirations you will probably have....enjoy your time with loved me, it is never long enough.....

Dear Rosie, you're quite right. Creativity is born in stillness, when you can hear your own thoughts, and actually have the time to listen to them. And yes, time with loved ones can never be too long or too much, you never ever know when there is no more time...

I have lost 2 loved ones in a very short time.....and can't stress to others enough how important your and my words truly are....

Oh this is a great blog and this is exactly where I'm at. I've been working on another project all week and haven't been able to do any work on my website or progressing through bootcamp. I go on vacation with my wife to NYC on Monday for a week. Then a week later I will be gone for a month to teach at a fine arts camp. During the time I will have to be working on lauching my newest orchestra. It's all very exciting but also frustrating as I have been making some very good progress thanks to a friend in here. All in time. Can't beat time. Have a great holiday and I will do the same.

Wow, I shouldn't complain at all, I'm only gone for a tiny little week! But you're quite right, all in time. Thank you, I will realx and enjoy, and then we'll both pick up where we left our businesses off.

Have a good holiday,sounds like fun.

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