Lesson 10, make a blogpost

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So I'm moving slowly slowly forward and here I am on lesson 10 and its time to post on the blog again.

I still feel that wealthy affiliate is the right place to be. All the support and cheering on you get here... I truly havent seen anything like it anywhere else and that is really amazing. So lots of love to you all for being so great.

But I must admit I'm struggling with something. Finding my creativity and cranking out some good content for my page. I'm actually a little chocked since I have always considered myself pretty good at writing and now I realize that I am really not. Well I'm just going to keep at it and trust that it will become easier.

I have learned a lot since I joined, I have so much more still to learn - but I'm in the right place and that feels really good.

So onward and upwards Peeps!!

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Trust your instincts Veronica ... "keep at it and trust that it will become easier. If you've always felt you were a good writer you are way ahead of many members here doing the training.

Like any skill, it needs to be practiced. I would focus on a routine that includes collecting themes when they occur to you, doing your keyword research (this is crucial), listing possible titles and developing initial outlines. The SiteContent feature found by clicking Websites up in the left sidebar is a great tool for doing this.

We’ve all been there! There are several great training tips regarding blogging ideas if you type it in the help bar. I’ve found a couple of them very useful.
Good luck!

I feel the same as you. I felt I was a good writer...until I had to do it week after week. The challenge for me is getting the right emotion behind the words. The impact is so much better in my mind. But, the more we do it the better we become.

I gotta get caught up with my posts and blogs. Just write from the heart like you were sitting on your couch talking with a friend.

Hi, it does take time to get into the flow of writing. It's all there in you, just take your time and go over lessons if you need to.
It's kind of like working your body with exercise. You need some time to flex those brain/writing muscles to get them toned up to do what you want them to do.
Hang in there!
C & P

You are on the right track, Veronica.
Believe me, things will get easier if you keep learning and practicing. As you said, you have the whole community to back you up in case of need. WA is rich not only in the content presented in the training, we have a lot of talents and expertise you can leverage to progress towards your goals.
All the best.


Ronnie, Well done for getting so far. I am not that far behind you and absolutely agree that this is the best space to be in right now, for anyone looking to start out. As for the writing yips, I have always found that research, and research and more still, even if it means re-reading content is usually the way to move the lg-jam.
And it's the destination that matters, it is of no importance how long it takes you to get there.
In the end quality always trumps, quantity.

Yes, lots of research for sure :)

Thanks for taking the time to comment and best of luck to you.

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