Absolutely Lost For Words


Well, that was not to plan!

Here I was working away like crazy developing posts using AI and saving them as drafts, all looked well 1 day to go before “use em or lose em” kicked in!!

I thought the least I could do after the kind donation of extra words by Kyle , Carson & Co, was to use at least some of them!

5 posts knocked out, about 9,000 words or so, switch across to my other comp and there I see 21,000 renew in 29 days! What a bummer that was.

I have been so busy on all the other stuff, that I didn’t have time before to write posts, and as I am still feeding AI for the prime part of my niche it takes a little longer as more editing to do so I don’t look like I have lost the plot when my posts are published.

But once again I must say the AI writer was remarkably improved from my perspective.

I did upgrade on one site to Yoast Premium, and followed a well laid out instructions from Richard, Rudi and Abi to clear up a few possible issues, the help is

I also used one of the images built into the article writer after watching VitaliyG’s video on where to find images.

I hope I have enough years left to learn all of this stuff haha

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Good morning Robby,

It sounds like you have been busy, which is great.

It's great that you think the AI writer has improved, I need to play around with it again.

Out of interest, how did you find Yoast Premium, I believe we had a conversation about Yoast a few months ago.

I think there's only so much we can do, Robby, but it is important to follow the training and not to get overwhelmed.

I wish you every success and a great day.


Hey Roy,

Yes just a bit! I have learned so much and enjoy it immensely! Yoast, I used it for several weeks in standard format, and it has been a great teacher of the basics for me and even though I know that some of the practices are not so relevant today, but it has just improved my posts in general. The premium takes care of redirects which I didn't quite understand before.

So for the money, it's well worth it and you don't get pestered so much as with AIO.


Good morning Rob,

It's good to be busy and doing things, Rob! It's so good that you are enjoying yourself, this takes the hard work out of everything!

I'm glad you are enjoying Yoast and finding it helpful. I have used the plug-in for many years now, and I definitely prefer it over the alternatives. If it's improved your posts and the redirects, it has to be good.

Have a fantastic day and keep moving forward.


That is a bit of a bummer Robby...

If I have any word credits left at the end of a cycle I always use them all when it says 3 days left before renewal so I am not caught out at the last minute!

Take care my friend and keep on keeping on! :-)

Yes in The Real-world you are exactly right Jessie, but with these last 2 weeks of "enlightenment" I just missed it, It shouldn't happen again haha
Thanks Jessie


Cheers Rob! Unless you have another two weeks of "enlightenment" that is!!!

Take care my friend and keep on moving forward!


Hi Jessie,

Going as fast as I can, Then I learn something else and get distracted, page speeds today.
But need to post too.


Mmm... page speeds Rob??

I used to worry a lot about them a couple of years ago and tried my best to get all of the scores to at least 95!!!

But... I found out if one is at around about 70... then that's fine!!

Nobody who sees your site will really notice the difference between 70-100!!

Not worth worrying about too much in my opinion and your time should be spent creating more quality content and getting it out there!!

Others who read this may disagree with me, but it's just my take and experience!! :-)

Hi Robby

Once you generate drafts with WA AI they are yours forever, so you can use the bulk writer. 😎

Frank 🎸

Got it Frank create ahead of time and edit at, nearly, your leisure.



Yup, and the bulk AI writer makes it easy to create those drafts, even at the last minute! 😎

Spot on Frank Thanks

You're welcome, Robby. 😎

I had the same happen to me. Thought I would get 9K of the last 12K banked used before the pumpkin arrived. Sorry Cinderella, the clock expired.... 21888 to next time.

Not a timer! We just got rid of one! lol.

Just a thought for the addition of the monthly bonus credits.

It would be nice if we knew exactly when they are to be reloaded. Perhaps a timer or something in that line would work so you don't lose the ability to make use of all of your credits so you do not lose them.


Yes Michael,

It's a good idea, even though I suppose we shouldn't run it down to the wire, but if it was just a little more accurate I could set the reminders in my phone, for now I will work on at least a day earlier :-)

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