You Won't Win the Prize if You Don't Do the Time


Hey there, fellow hustlers!

Affiliate marketing: two words that can make you dream of sipping cocktails on a beach while your bank account fills up. But let's get real for a second. You won't win the prize if you don't do the time. Yup, that’s right. You’ve got to roll up your sleeves, get your hands dirty, and put in the hours. This isn’t just a get-rich-quick scheme; it’s a business. And like any business, it needs your love, sweat, and tears.

The Reality Check

First off, let's ditch the idea that affiliate marketing is easy. It's simple, but simple doesn't mean easy. You're going to face challenges. You’ll have days when you feel like you're stuck in a maze with no exit in sight. But guess what? That’s all part of the journey. If it were easy, everyone would be doing it, right?

Time is Your Best Friend

Here’s the deal: success in affiliate marketing (or anything, really) comes from time. You’ve got to invest time in learning the ropes. Read, watch videos, take courses. Learn everything you can about your niche. The more you know, the better you’ll be.

Then there’s networking. No, I don’t mean just clicking ‘like’ on someone’s post. Engage with people. Join forums, attend webinars, connect with other marketers. Collaboration is key. Sometimes, it’s not what you know, but who you know.

The Power of Persistence

Business isn’t easy. It will test your patience, your skills, and sometimes your sanity. There will be moments when you want to throw in the towel and go back to a 9-to-5 job. But remember, every challenge you face is a step closer to success. Keep moving forward, even when it feels like you’re wading through quicksand.

Humor Helps

Let’s sprinkle some humor here because, hey, we need to laugh at ourselves sometimes. Think of affiliate marketing as a relationship. At first, it's all rainbows and butterflies. But then reality hits. Your website crashes, your emails go unanswered, and your conversion rates plummet. It’s like dating – you’re not going to meet Mr. or Ms. Right on the first try. You’ve got to kiss a few frogs to find your prince or princess.

Winning in Life

Winning in affiliate marketing is a lot like winning in life. It’s about showing up every day, even when you don’t feel like it. It’s about learning from your mistakes and not letting failure knock you down. It’s about being passionate and persistent. The road to success is long and winding, but the view from the top? Oh, it’s worth every step.

So, my friends, put in the time. Learn, network, collaborate, and keep moving forward. Success is waiting for you, but you’ve got to earn it. Remember, you won’t win the prize if you don’t do the time. Now, go out there and make it happen!

Cheers to your success,


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Recent Comments


I can't remember the word for this (senior moment?), but I came across this, which gave me the kick I needed. Not that I'm lazy, God forbid I should just relax! I've been seriously contemplating canceling from WA as it seems I just don't have the time to give this justice. I worried about articles, what to write-that really has stumped me. Anyway, thank you for this article, it's perfect and I may have to print it and frame it.

Hi JPetrosky. I'm feel blessed to be able to help another. As with this community, I too have following off the wagon, but knowing that all of us here want the best. One thing I do each and every day is give gratitude for what I have in my life, even the things that are available to me for making my journey through this life experience an amazing one.
Stay strong and be vibrant with each step you take.

Whatever step you take JPetrosky, you are going to win!

Thanks Rick!

Good advice, Rick!


Hello Jeffery. I appreciate you reading it and that it was a little pep talk for ya.

Great post with solid advice that rings true.
Have a Great Day!

Thanks Chuck and you have an awesome day yourself.

Some sound words of advice there Rick. Sometimes it can feel like your hitting a brick wall and getting nowhere. Persistence is definitely the key to keep going.

Many people expect instant rewards and don't realise the time the successful people have put in to get their results.

Thanks for the reminders

Your so welcome Karen. I want the best for those wanting more out of life. The mind can play tricks on us but knowing deep in our heart that beating the odds that confront us only makes us stronger.

Hi Rick,

Doing affiliate marketing and maintaining your websites does take up quite a lot of time.

No sipping cocktails on the beach for me.

But I will advise to people, if it is nice and sunny outside, dont stay inside. Go out for one or two hours to get into the sunlight and breathe some fresh air.

You can go back to your online projects late in the evening, enjoy the sunshine while its there, you wont get hot sunny days everyday.

Have fun in the sun.



Hi Brian and thanks for the read. As to your response, none of us should ever forget that we need personal moments of enjoyment. That is one key to joy in life.
Thanks for your tip as well.


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