Google has found me!

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Hey Guys,

For all the newbies out there, I did commit to give an update of progress with my website, starting from scratch.

Now, confession time. I made that commitment some time last year. Back then I decided to commit to developing my business and after about a month of work, promptly failed. No particular reason except a whole bunch of life stuff. anyway, they are only excuses and I wish I had continued. I would be making money by now. So, lesson #1 for newcomers - Once you have started, DO NOT quit.

Anyway, I am back now and finding how WA has progressed so much in that 18 months. It has inspired me to get stuck in again but this time, all or nothing.

So, my website was born on the 15th September and I have been averaging 1 post a day since then. The good news it that as of yesterday, 16th Sept, 6 of my 12 posts have been indexed.


If you are wondering whether to build a business here of not because you are short of time, let me tell you, with the new AI writer and bulk writer facility here, life just became a whole lot better.

My plan is to bulk write posts at the weekend so I can quickly publish one a day during the week allowing me to get on with other things, like promoting my site.

Anyway, that's the latest.

My advice is to get stuck in, get involved and shoot for the stars.

In conclusion, I'm sorry to all those who were waiting for my updates last year but it is all systems go now.

Six posts indexed in 11 days. Woohoo!!!

All the best until next time.


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Wow,congrats my new friend. You should be very proud-go getem. I'm very new here but very motivated, I've scrolled for many months so now I finally begin my 2nd act. I'm building my new life after retirement.
Best of luck and continued success.

Hey, Jane.
Thank you so much for your encouragement.
It is good to see you are here now and very motivated. My best advice is to just start working through the training on the Hubs.
Good luck with your journey. I look forward to following your progress.

Great to hear that your content is getting indexed Richard! Keep on publishing and Google will return to your website more and more frequently!

Thanks, Carson. That is the plan. I will be publishing every day moving forward.
Thanks again for reading and commenting.


You're more than welcome! Let us know how your indexing goes moving forward. Traffic will follow :)

I certainly will.

I will give updates as I move forward bith as help to others just starting out and also for some accountability for myself.

Thanks, Ferdie

Yay, wonderful. Super congrats.

So, you know, it means that Google found your site, and now is an excellent time to start adding content if you have not already.

However, your posts get indexed first, and often days later, down the line, they start getting noticed, provided the targeted keywords are searchable and new websites can rank efficiently.

However, a website's "authority" typically starts to establish over time, usually at the 3-6 month mark. It fluctuates up and down until Google decides where to place it.

Not all posts will get ranked; thus, the recommendation is to keep updating blogs with 2 - 3 posts weekly for the foreseeable future.

And just for some clarification.

I hope this helps.

Thanks, Abie.

Really useful information and yes, I intend to keep posting content daily moving forward.

Also, as I'm still going through the training, the posts I have up will be edited to become better. For example, images, better formatting and affiliaite links.

I haven't even got onto the promotion of the website stuff yet.

Anyway, I hope for some good progress in as short a time as possible.

Thanks again,


You are welcome, Richard!

Sounds like a great plan. You might find this. I have been here for seventeen years and the only people that fail are those that give up

Nice resource you shared here, Catherine!

Thank you Abie

You are welcome, Catherine!

Thanks, Catherine. It is a plan of sorts and it includes a post a day for the foreseeable.

Many thanks for linking your article regarding the difference between Indexing and Ranking.

I'm at the early indexing stage so now have to keep Mr Google happy with my upcoming posts.

Many thanks again.


That's fab, Richard!

Awesome, nice work Richard. The ball is rolling and really starting to gain some traction for you. I look forward to seeing your progress as you do move forward! :)

Thanks, kyle.

Good job, Richard! It shows that if we follow the training here at WA our websites will be found.

Hi, Howard,

Yes it does indeed. As they say, 'you only fail if you quit.'

Thanks for taking the time to read, and comment.


My pleasure, Sir!

Have a great and productive day!

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