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Good Evening to all you lovely people at the great WA Family, as always I hope that you are all keeping both safe and well.
It was no surprise that I found that I was no longer an Ambassador, it is something that I was expecting as I spend most of my time looking after my wife, which leaves little time to work on WA, let alone my websites. It was fun whilst it lasted.
In fact this could take sometime to finish as I have to keep checking as Yvonne is sleeping, as ahe has been for most of the day, I know that her hot water bottle will need replenishing and her mineral drink could do with being drunk.
As you will realise I have been rather busy looking after Yvonne, this is in addition to doing the washing, cleaning and the other jobs, it does make for a rather full life, but at least I have my wife at home.
The Last Few Days
A number of jobs that I have been doing have been listed above, however in addition I did find time to spend a little time in the garden, planted some tulips and one of my bare rooted perenials, have a lot more to do yet, but time and the weather do not help.
Last wrote this over forty minutes ago, the carers arrived and told them to carry on, with in minitues theys shouted that she was bleeding, as I am the one to deal withj this, went and had a look, blood everywhere around her neck and face.
It took Dr. Stuart sometime to stem the flow, but I managed it, the nightdress was covered in blood, I had to help the carers change her nightie as Yvonne gets very awkward at times, tonight being one of those times. Between us we have settled her down, given her a fresh bottle, but she has gone solid, so unable to get any drink down her.
At least it has provided for some light relief, the children popped in today, so I was able to rest whilst they were here, having said that, was woken when Gillian arrived, still get very tired.
At night when I have settled Yvonne, I have about an hour to me, have a glass of Malbec, and think regarding the business. Last night I found a product, that I could use on at least one of my websites, so spent a few pennies, now have it to look at when I get a chance.
To enable me to relax I fetched a couple of tricks out of my close up bag, found one or two to practice and enjoy that me moment.
The Next Few Days
It really depends on how Yvonne is, so it is impossible to even hazard a guess, must, if I get time, check out a couple more undertakers to enable me to check what is on offer.
If I get chance would like to do some more magic practice, possibly do some more research on my new purchase.
If I get time there is so much that I would like to do, but for now Yvonne is my priority, talking of which must check on here.
It does help having you all there as my extended family, many thanks to you all.
Be happy, healthy and wealthy,
Please do stay safe,
God Bless
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Hey VH
As I've said before, she's lucky to have you and your ability to deal with the amount of blood you describe is amazing. You could have been a you said, Dr Stuart.
I feel grateful that I made it out of NY in time. They have been slammed with mountains of snow!!!!! Everyone is asked to stay off the roads so they can clear them. I'm getting pictures and I know for sure the snow is taller than I am. It's like seeing Alaska all over again.
We, here in VA, are gearing up for snow but by comparison nothing like I've been seeing in NY so I am not going to complain. I went to the store today just to replenish some of the items from being gone and it was crazy. NO eggs to be had, very little pick of bread, NO chicken broth, limited water and some other items. I'm glad I didn't really need a lot of groceries.
I'm getting notices of all the closures for tomorrow but as of right now (almost 10 pm Sunday), everything is dry so it will be interesting to see what I wake up to. I just hope I don't have to shovel much.
I'll continue prayers for you and Yvonne. I know you have a lot on your plate but do continue to try to get some down time and not think about business unless it's calming to your spirit.
Take care!
Your VW
Hi VW,
Had an "Iffy" day so needed to hear from you, cheered me up no end.
We have had snow overnight twice now, but it either rains or just thaws, some of the roads are shut due to flooding.
The Nurse did not come today which led to a mood, they thought that it was tomorrow, I do need to see her, so she is now coming tomorrow am.
She had better as I have the hospice providing a sitter for two hours tomorrow pm, yipee!!
Please do not get me wrong I have no problem looking after Yvonne, it is just that I need the fresh air and be able to do a me thing.
Funnily enough, my downtime will be TV or the business, I have a lot of time to think so we will see!!
I am having Roast Breast of Duck tonight with pasta, so will get it ready shortly.
Have a great week and take care,
God Bless,
Your VH xx
Glad I could cheer you up.
I needed cheering up this morning when I woke up............about 6 inches of wet, heavy (good for snowballs and snowmen) fell last night. I was procrastinating about getting out to shovel my driveway. I got out about 1 and as soon as I started my neighbor across the street started to help me then my neighbor next door came out and started shoveling. I was shocked especially with my neighbor next door. We have a 10 inch border at the end of our driveways that we share. He will edge 5 inches. It makes me laugh at how silly it is. I just do all of it when I do it. Silly.
We're supposed to get another 3 inches tonight but it's supposed to be sunny tomorrow so maybe some will melt????? Either way, 3 inches is more doable than 6.
No need to explain your need for "downtime", it's human. Looking after someone is stressful and tiring. You need a break from that pressure. I'm glad you get a couple hours free tomorrow even it's just to do NOTHING!
Enjoy and take care
Your VW
Did enjoy my two hours off, went shopping, great fun, apart from spending money!!
As always,
Your VH
Hey, Dad (as we call our fathers' age mates here in South Sudan), this is such a hard time for you and the family but thank you for sharing. It's such a lesson on care and love, as well as commitment to something you love doing, WA business.
Keep us posted. I'd like to remember you in prayers.
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Please don't give you rank here on the platform a second thought Stuart...
All that matters is the time you spend with Yvonne and giving her your best care and attention...
I wish you both well moving forward into the new year my friend.....
As always Jesie thank you so much for your kind words, must confess rank on here is mainly a fun thing to me in many ways, without being rude to those who work so hard to get the rank that they.
Have a great New Year.
Always welcome Stuart and I take the ranking system here as a bit of fun as well!
Take care my friend! :-)
Also you! :-)
Have a great start to the weekend Stuart! :-)