The Show Must Go On

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Good day, WA family! I hope you are doing everything possible to thrive today.

This time every year my life takes on an added task. It's Showtime!

My wife, Erin, owns and operates a local family run dance studio with her mom. Erin has been dancing since she was three. Along the way she went to Julliard and danced in the original cast of Swing on Broadway in the late 90s. The dance business for entertainment wasn't for her. However, dance as an art and discipline is, so she came back home from the bright lights of New York and partnered with her mom at their local studio,

It may not be the biggest, fanciest studio, but the family vibe and love for dance as an art is evident. The young folks (4-18 years old) who take dance there learn that they can do more than they ever thought themselves capable. So when showtime comes at the end of the school year, it's all hands on deck! This year's theme was "Rhythm is a Dancer."

That's why I haven't been around much this past week. I work the day in my clinic then go straight to the theater and we're there until 11. Then we eat dinner at midnight and collapse. However, it is so worth it! From the cut out plywood dance figures hanging above the stage, to the lighting, sound and choreography, it takes everyone working together to pull this off. We give out heart and soul so these wonderful young folks and their parents can feel proud of what they accomplished for the year's work.

Just like we here at WA may have to work a day job and then come home and work on our websites, niche building and blogs during our off time. It is worth the time and effort, because we are creating something unique and special.

When the finished product finally is performed, a unique look for every one of the 30 pieces in this two hour show, it is like magic happened. But it's not magic, its hard work done by dedicated people.

Your dedication in creating your websites and blogs is hard work. We're still in the process. Our show hasn't had its final curtain. We can create more and keep tweaking it and make it better. Each website, like each number in this show, is created to seek out a unique and special audience that loves your message,

No one can start the fire that it takes to create your vision except you. You can absolutely do it, but it won't happen without a lot of hard work. Although you have to start it, and you need to do the work, it does take a family of folks to find all the tools to accomplish your vision. That's what WA does for you.

With the studio, we reach out to the parents and community to pull off our show. When it's done, it's a community effort.

With your work, and the community here at WA helping. you can create something special!

Thanks for reading, and helping me. I'll be back around tomorrow to read and again comment on your hard work. Sorry I have been absent, but as you see, I was helping to create something special!

Now let's all go thrive!

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Recent Comments


I can certainly appreciate the efforts behind producing the dance shows.

My youngest niece was in dance since the age of 5. She progressed through with a couple different prestigious dance (como se dice, troupe?) where she also acted, and choreographed some of the dances in a variety of plays produced at Debatable Studios, a new production company in Southern Calif. This new production company was created for the young actors between the ages of 18-25, so they could build their resume by continuing to improve their acting, writing and directing skills.

I'm a very proud uncle because that same niece just graduated from USC with a degree in dramatic arts. She has a great future ahead of her.

Thanks for sharing, Al. Great set, too!


Thanks, Rudy!
Yes, SoCal is the western US heart of performing arts, so I'm sure your niece had wonderful teachers to draw from.

Thanks for taking the time to read, and complementing the set. It was fun to create!

Keep on thriving!


You're welcome, Al!


Very nice, Al! A monumental community effort, my friend!

Keep thriving!


Thanks Jeff!

Man I've missed your daily stories, I look forward to catching up.

Thanks for reading and I'll 'talk' later, my friend.

And yes, let's keep thriving!


Sounds good to me, Al! What an adventure you had, my friend!


Thanks, Jeff!

You're very welcome, Al!


Love the images, reminds me of the 70,

Yes, Stephen, it had a 70s feel to this show at times!

Thanks for stopping by, and keep on thriving!


Wow, AI, very thoughtful blog post; I am so happy for you guys and what you do! I'm sure it would be vibrant and productive at its best. I also wish you guys tremendous success with your theatrical progress onward and upward. Thank you!

Thanks Abie!
It's all in the books for another year. I can have my life back!

I have missed reading your posts, so I'll get back in the groove tomorrow. I wanted to get this out before I crashed. It's after midnight here.

Be so very well and keep thriving!


I am also guilty lol I have not posted my journal for a whole week - I got busy, but I am willing to presume asap.

Your post is very inspirational and there's lots to learn from it.

You've done really well Ai. Have a good night, and I wish you a great start to the week.

Thanks Abie!

I'll look forward to your next posts...

Good Night!

That sounds wonderful, Albert. I hope everything is a great success for Erin and her students.

Thanks, Phil!

Yes it was a success. Done now, and although I enjoy the process, I'm very happy to have my life back.

Thanks for reading!

Keep on thriving!


Good to hear, Albert.

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