1 Hour, 1 Ad, 1 Day, $100


I would like to share with all my friends & followers how easy it is

to make money online when you have the right mindset for Affiliate Marketing.

As some of you may know my main Gig is building "Simple Little Sites"

I built one recently focused on the Psychic niche, as it turns out I only built the site because of an affiliate offer I had received.

I had a look at this niche about 12 months ago but did not take it very far other than to register a domain name and writing and publishing short article for future possibilities.

Well the other day I log on to my Commission Junction account and I had received a offer from a Psychic Affiliate program, the affiliate was offering a good commission payout so I thought I would take the site a bit further

So I spent about 1 hour building a simple landing page. I then went over to my adwords account and made up a quick Ad set the Ad at a price to get first page and that was it, now time to wait for results.

Well low and behold within 24 hrs, I surprised even myself when I got my first signup paying me a commission of $100.

The lesson from this?

Affiliate Mindset

As a affiliate marketers we should always be looking for opportunities to make money

online and offline

One thing that I have learnt is people who don't look won't find (and they get run over) so it is important to always be on the look out for opportunities, I am always listening and watching what is go on around me, something's may not be important to me but they may mean a lot to someone else and if the are important to someone else that is a opportunity for me and you.

As it turn out to be the above case, about 12 months ago my wife was talking to her best friend about Psychic and how it was a big industry and lot of money was to be made.

Well of course this pricked my ear so I had a quick look into it and thought, maybe?

So I invested $7 and registered a name in this niche, But as I had heaps going on at the time I didn't take it any further back then. But it was down on my CJ sites list.

Well 12 months later a Affiliate Offer from a Psychic site has now turned into money.

So I need to stress to everyone who is struggling to make a dollar online the opportunities are out there everyday you just have to start thinking like a Affiliate Marketer!!

Don't limit your imagination and don't wait for a opportunity to come to you, Go grab the bull by the horns and start building your dreams.

Wishing everyone much success !!

Your Friend and colleague



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What brilliant story. Well done for spotting such a good niche. I have noted that there are TV channels in the UK that promote Psychics that charge money for their services.

Hey Russell, thanx for the reminder to check your mindset everyday or it can lead to stinkin' thinkin' and destroy your future.

Go forth and succeed.

It's a great way of earning a little extra along the way no doubt but I would be very wary of pushing newbies in this direction.

It's now well known that Google are keen on pushing lightweight sites to the depths of the search results, especially those with new, blog type sites as Google are viewing this as people trying to exploit the search results.

I have heard of a lot of people losing their Adwords accounts for this sort of thing, and it can also be quite a steep learning curve where people can lose a lot more than they gain.

You are absolutely right Gary, You should always proceed with caution, But do me a favor search my realplayer-sp.com site on your search engine and tell me how far in the depths of Google it is?

Sorry, you have lost me a little. Obviously if you search for that exact site it comes up number one as would any other site. But search for "real player" and it's not in the top 50 unless you add "sp" in which case it's on the first page. However, I personally would have just searched for "real player" and not "realplayer sp" so I would not have found it.

So you have hit top rankings with "Realplayer sp". But the point is for how long? Sure you can make a few bucks with techniques like this but my understanding is that Google are trying to cut out this type of thing, where people are making a quick hit with Adwords where a small site hits top rankings. That seems to be one of the main points of the Google search algorhythm updates.

They're after quality and longevity - that's the way I understand it anyway and I would want to risk my Adwords account for a quick fix. I don't think your strategy is one for newbies to follow because they will soon be losing their Adwords accounts.

Gary I think you have missed the whole point of the my post. As you well know we have a lot of "Newbies" who are really struggling to make a dollar or two online. for a lot of them if they just made $1 it would give them hope. my personal aim here is to show my Newbie followers that you can make a $1 online just by building a Simple Little Site.and of course they should continue to work on there primary site to give them longevity.

I think you a focusing to much on the Adwords element of my post

In relation to my Realplayer SP site of course you will not find it for the search term Real Player because I have not pushed the SEO for that search term.

If you where to read the comment a little down the page you will also see that I told my good friend Corey that I have never spent a cent on Adwords for this site.and this 1 page site has made me over $15k thats not chump change. I have several sites in the Realplayer niche doing similar thinks each for a specific search term.

I like many other Affiliate Marketers I have more than one Adwords account becuase we know how Google changes the playing field from time to time so you need to have Insurance.

As i pointed out in my post you have to have a "Affiliate Mindset"
I am not a blogger I am are "Affiliate Marketer" I watch and learn from other Affiliate Marketers.

I, like many others
Came here to become "Wealthy Affiliates" and to learn from others any techniques they have found work to achieve that goal and
of course we will all choose our own road to get there.

Your Friend and Colleague

No problem at all, I understand that perfectly but there are a lot of newbies on here and I was just trying to emphasise that if you knock up a little site then drive traffic towards it using Adwords there is a very good chance you would take a hit.

The impression gained from the thread is that is what you had done, I'm sure others read it that way too but a lot of people on here are afraid to speak out. I understand totally about having a second account - I'm on my third Amazon account! - but most newbies on here would not have even thought of opening a second "safety" account or even that they needed to.

I'm just trying to point out to anybody new here, that you need to know what you are doing before taking any chances otherwise people are going to take a hit and walk away thinking WA is a scam.

Thank you Russell. That set my mind to spinning. Much success to both of us!!!

Russel. I must say it is refreshing to have someone like you on here and I enjoy reading your blog posts.

May I please ask, as I have had an AdWords account suspended in the past for doing this. Is your Google AdWord linking directly to a Single Squeeze Landing Page with your affiliate link?

Also do you really find you get rankings with 'little' sites now. Can you please define 'little', as Google hates on sites that are not content rich multi page sites these days. How long will your 'little' site stay where it is? What do you reckon?

I think this is a great post. Russell has the right attitude. And great advice to look offline also for online money making opportunities.

Definitely a good post. All I will add is that when it comes to Google AdWords, if you are a newbie, proceed with absolute caution.

This is coming from someone who worked closely (like up to 4 hours a day) with Google AdWords for over 2 years, 12 months of those as a Qualified Google AdWords Individual.

Thanks Corey, No1 rule "Hide Your Links"

And that is enough? I was doing that and still got pinged. Big time. I didn't get done so much for the affiliate links, I was getting done for 'bridge sites'. So when you say 'simple little sites' do you mean like one page sites, two, three, how many pages? This is what their issue with me was. I mean don't get me wrong. I got away with it, a lot, and multiple times, but they still got me in the end.

This is really interesting! I appreciate you sharing this experience with us. It definitely keeps my brain working :)

Hey Jeffrey, They like to pay well those Psychic Affiliates

I just bought 2 15+ year old psychic online businesses. You right about being good money.

Thanks Sherion, Isn't it wonderful to get free money.

Congrats! I still have sales coming in from articles that I posted a couple of years ago. Thanks for this post it was inspiring. Best Wishes to You!

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