Knowing the answers to these three questions will change your life^%>

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We all do a lot of work every day from waking up till we go to sleep at night. We all have plans for the future. And we all are addicted to one thing and that is “Success”.

It can be seen that 80% of the world's "plans to achieve success" remain only in dreams or mouths because they are never attained with high intensity?

Dreaming day and night constantly without any idea about the purpose of life or the destination of life only makes us more miserable.

We need to know the answers to these questions at the beginning of our journey in life, which will help us to move forward on the path of our dreams.

Many may think that what is the role of these questions in achieving success in life. Well! But let's not understand why it is so necessary to know the answers to the questions in our life.

Who are you and how much are you worth?

Knowing ourselves is not only our duty, it is our responsibility. When a person does not know about himself, what will he know about the world?

Education begins with knowing yourself. And when a man starts to know about himself he also starts to understand his own importance. None of us are unimportant in this world.

The one who drives the wheelbarrow, at the end of the day also goes back to a family, where he is someone's father, son, husband, or brother. So you have to learn to value yourself. And that education starts with knowing yourself.

Gautama Buddha said,

You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection

Isn't it really? If I can't love myself, how other gonna love me?

When a person, regardless of his profession or position in society, can love himself, others start looking at him with respect.

There are many people who are well-established in society. But many of them are extremely unsuccessful in their personal life due to not understanding their own value.

If you do not understand who you really are, what are your strengths and weaknesses, then how will you move forward in the good times of life?

It's like walking blind without knowing the direction. But if you know where the destination is and what weapons you have to get there, success is assured.

So make a promise from today, you will give importance to yourself first. As someone says, 'The world is right with oneself' - one's own individual will keep his/her individuality and move towards fulfilling his/her dreams.

What is the purpose of your life?

Even a little pen has a purpose, as long as there is ink it will be a writing tool. How will we human beings live without purpose?

It comes after understanding the value of myself, what is the purpose of my precious life? Why do I wake up every day to start a day?

Did I just come to this wonderful world? There is no reason to think that everyone's answer will be the same. Your answer will be different than any other person and that is normal.

We are all different and have different thoughts, views, and positions in life. So your task will be to find out, exactly for what purpose you will move forward in life.

In the words of Ralph Waldo Emerson,

The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate, to have it make some difference that you have lived and lived well.

Only you can tell what is true for you. So now find out what you want to be from the bottom of your heart. What work gives you true joy, and motivation to live?

Hopefully, of course, you will find your purpose in life remember to run your own race. When you do something, if you do it with true love and purpose, then you will definitely feel self-satisfaction.

Where is the destination of your life?

Suppose you are sitting in a railway station. You have all the necessary materials for survival, you are a healthy and energetic person. You want to travel with all your strength.

But you don't know which train to catch which will take you to your destination. Catch the wrong train and you will end up at the wrong place.

Since you don't know where to go, even with full preparation, what else can you do but sit at the station feeling depressed?

Having no clear destination in life is just the same thing. Self-evaluation and goal-setting will all fail if you have no purpose in life. Step by step you will stumble despite everything.

Antonio Machado says,

“Travelers, there is no path, paths are made by walking.”

Yes, that's true. Not everyone goes to the same destination in life. Everyone creates his own destination along the way.

What do you need to know? Successful people often say that they could see their success before their eyes. Because they had a clear idea about their own destination.

So knowing your destination is an essential part of a successful life. There is no reason to think that success only comes in a straight line. Everyone's path to success is different. But there must be a road.

Clayton M. Christensen says,

“There are direct paths to a successful career. But there are plenty of indirect paths, too.”

Know your path from now on. If you know the destination you are constantly moving towards, then the confidence to overcome all the possible obstacles on that path will be created in you.

Finally, it is true that we all have different lives. As people, everyone's energy capacity is also different. So the answers will be different for everyone.

But moving forward in life without knowing the answer is completely foolish. There is no greater quality than knowing yourself.

So from now on whatever job you want to excel in, find the answers to these questions and move forward along the path of your choice.

At the same time I also confessed that life don't flow in the way we think and it's always unpredicted and that's the beauty of life.

But we have to prepared Our-self in such a way that whatever the situations created in the path we have to deal with that with our full potential and raise above with our heads up.

Hope you have all the answers of these questions and prepare yourself accordingly.

Wish you All the wonderful people a very best and have a great day.


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Recent Comments


Great read as always Preetam and very thought provoking...

We are all individuals and our responses to the three questions will all be different!!

I'm nearly able to answer them, but... not quite yet!

Much appreciated my friend and enjoy the rest of your week! :-)

Keep your eyes on the prize and those pathways will open up.
Good post Preetam, I liked it.

Thanks 👍 Bux

Keep them coming Preetam.

Another excellent post, Preetam! I tend to do the "one day at a time thing". it makes life a lot easier!


Yeah that's good 👍 keep up the good work.

Thanks, Preetam, and Keep succeeding, my friend!


You're welcome Jeff.🙏

Always appreciated, Preetam!



Awesome information as usual, Preetam...thank you for sharing!


You're welcome, Mike!

Life is a journey, not a destination, and I am Lula. I am priceless.

Hi, Princeless how are you?

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