Diseases of Attitude, Do You Suffer?
Hello Everyone, through my searches for better thinking habits to combat some of my anxiety disorders, I find some golden advice that I feel I should share. I know that when something helps, you should share it, so this entry displays my notes from a seminar featuring Jim Rohn.
Diseases of Attitude
Negativity, Negativity is normal, It's not successful, but it's normal, it's a part of life. You must learn to handle the negative, and not ignore it, but handle it. You don't have to live in it or dwell in it, but you do have to handle it.
Not many of you may know this, but there is a global war going on right now.
The Great War, between good and evil, between darkness and light, negative and positive. The minute you were born, you entered this war. It's a mental war, a physical war, between enterprise and ease, accomplishment and failure, it's a war.
The good news is good and positivity can win the war, but they must be active in order to do so.
Weeds are no match for human activity, but if you stand still, how far will they grow?Make sure you are making your time as productive as can be, because neglect is painful. A week of neglect can cost you a year of repair.
So let's go over some of these attitude diseases so that you can take control of your thoughts and start winning the war.
A Shrug of the shoulder, drifting, the mild approach to life. One thing you can't do is drift to the top.
Someone says, "I don't see the reason to get all worked up"
Well....You gotta get worked up in order to win. Be hot or cold, don't be lukewarm, pick a direction and go with everything you got.
Someone says, "Ya, but what if it's the wrong direction?"
At least you'll find out quicker. It wont take long to figure out you're on the wrong path, we all do better from one of two things, inspiration or desperation.
Whatever it takes to get you to try harder, read more, set your goals and go for it. Be someone with strong feeling. Someone that feels strong about what they believe in. Even if you disagree, at least disagree vigorously and with feeling.
Don't give anyone a half a days work for a full days pay. Learn to put everything you got, into everything you do. Whatever you are doing pour it on, it will quickly open up to opportunity or it will quickly disclose to you, you aught to be doing something else.
Mental paralysis, you can't make up your mind.
Whether you're on the fence about something, wondering which side to get off on is right or wrong. After awhile it doesn't matter which side you get off on, just get off the fence!
A life full of adventure is a life full of many decisions. The ones that turned out to be wrong, give you better experience to make better decisions.
So don't see how many decisions you can get out of, but how many decisions you can get into, that's where adventure is.
Doubt is a plague. The worst doubt is self doubt. There are many, but that one is the worst of them. You can easily see how a chronic self doubter is able to damage their future.
Become a believer! There are many things to believe in, one of those majors things to believe in is yourself. The understanding of self worth is the beginning of progress.
Worry can cause:
- Health Problems
- Social Problems
- Personal Problems
- Family Problems
- etc.... it's devastating
Give up on worry, who needs it, I'm not saying it's easy, I'm saying it's worth it. You will soon see how amazing life can be free of worry. Not a life free of challenge or difficulty, but a life free of worry.
Over Caution
Some people will never have too much, they are too cautious. Now you can also be too reckless, but also too cautious. This is called the timid approach to life.
Risks can drive you up the wall. What if this happens? And on top of that, if that were to happen look at the fix I'd be in, I better not try. If you think trying is risky wait til they hand you the bill for not trying.
If you haven't found out already, you'll know now, IT"S ALL RISKY.
The minute you were born it got risky. It's all risky, getting married is risky, having children is risky, starting your own business is risky, investing your money is risky, it's all risky.
I'll tell you how risky life is. You wont make it out alive.......that's risky.
Someone says they are looking for safety and security, fine huddle in a corner, we'll protect you, clothe you, feed you, shelter you, care for you and you'll probably live to a hundred, but what a life to live.
Don't ask for security, ask for adventure. Better to live 30 years full of adventure, than 100 years safe in the corner. It's not important how long you live, but how you live.
Another deadly disease, spend 5 minutes complaining and you've just wasted 5 minutes, and you might have started the economic cancer of the bone, soon you'll be hauled off into a financial desert, left to choke on the dust of your own regret.
Everyone knows the story of Moses in the bible, freeing the slaves from Egypt and leading them to the promised land. Tragedy of the story, they never made it there.
Reasons why, from day one they complained. They complained about the water, they complained about the weather, they whined and cried about the food, about the leadership. They complained for years, finally God said, I've had it, trip cancelled. They never made it to the promised land.
So know that if you indulge in complaining long enough, you just might get your future cancelled.Pessimism
The deadly disease of always looking on the bad side, the problem side, the difficult side, checking all the reasons why it can't be done.
A Pessimist doesn't find out what's right, they find out what's wrong. They don't look for virtue, they look for faults, and when they find them they are delighted. How ugly.....
These poor people look out the same window as we do, but they don't see the sunset, they see the specks on the window.
The strong pessimist will stand up and give you 5 good reasons why something wont work. He's so dumb, he only needs 1, but he's got 5!
It all depends on how you look at things. Our lives are mostly effected by the way we think things are, not the way that they are.
Poor thinking habits is what keeps people poor. Most people work hard, but they don't think hard. The mind is a factory, a mental factory. Whatever you are thinking about all day long pours ingredients into this mental factory, and that's what builds the economic, social, financial fabric of our lives.
Someone says, " I want to be a successful business owner." Great! First we need to check your library. Why check your library? The things you read pour massive ingredients into your mental factory, and the fabric of your life is the product of those ingredients. You will not believe what people have in their library or on their computers.
One good word for it is trash, can you imagine dumping trash into your mental factory everyday and coming out with a rich dynamic, positive life? It can't be done.
Someone says, "How do you build the good life?" It's simple, it's not easy, but it's simple. Just like with everything else select the right ingredients, keep out the bad ingredients, and it starts with thought, everything starts with thought.
So you must be wise and careful, with what you think about, because that starts everything.
What would happen if someone dropped sugar into your coffee? You'd be okay.......
What if someone dropped strychnine in your coffee? You'd be dead!
Lesson to learn, life is both sugar and strychnine, Be careful.
What if your worst enemy dropped the sugar into your coffee? You'd still be fine.
What if your best friend accidentally dropped the strychnine in your coffee? Well you'd be dead.....
Lesson to learn, watch your coffee, you have to be careful.
It doesn't matter where the bad stuff comes from, it will still do damage to your bank account. Everyday be on the guard of your mind and decide what goes into your mental factory, because you've got to live with the results.
I hope you'll keep an eye out for these deadly diseases, they can destroy all the good you start, the war is on, and this evening, tomorrow, mentally, personally, socially, economically, you gotta make sure you're winning the war, and this is part of it.
Thank you.
Comment below if you've ever suffered from one of these diseases.
I know I have, and it can be rough trying to kick a habit or accept change.
If that wasn't enough motivation for you, watch this video.
Recent Comments
Great content, some important Life Lessons, and a Great Looking Blog! You have inspired me to use big, bold images. Looks nice. A Good Attitude: Absolutely Crucial!
It looks good! I don't know how to wrap text, either, but I previously used small pics. The big ones look better.
Excellent. Great motivation. It really can be very difficult to bring about a change in yourself. But from what I have realized, it all starts with accepting ones own faults. It took a long time for me to accept my own faults before I could bring a change in myself for the better.
It definitely takes time, took me a year to gain some ground on my anxiety, now it's an annoying tick. I hope more good changes are headed your way.
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Consider the source. At Harvard 3 of the classrooms had this on the wall.... yet Everyone has something to offer even if they don't realize it.
Oh wow, I knew Jim Rohn was popular, I had no idea he was featured at Harvard. That's awesome, and yes everyone does have something to offer, because no one can duplicate your life's experiences.