"TRAFFIC" means "NOTHING".Stop Wasting Your Time
I am sure my blog post topic got you reading this right now.
Well, I know you are hoping my blog post title is a lie and just some sort of joke, right? I would have wished the same, if I was working all day just to find a way to generate traffic to my website.
But I am here to tell you the painful truth. And that is
"TRAFFIC" means "NOTHING", if you cannot convert that traffic into sales.
Most at times I get people asking me this question. To succeed in the online business world, is it all about traffic? My answer to them is NO.
If it was just about traffic, then I guess people using paid traffic generating methods will be Billionaires by now and wouldn't be worse off than they were before.
This then brings back to mind my earlier statement:
"TRAFFIC" means "NOTHING", if you cannot convert that traffic into sales
We are all here at WA learning how to write quality posts and choosing low hanging fruits in order to get ranked on the first page in the search engines especially Google.
But have you sat back and asked yourself this question:
What if I get all the traffic in the world and I am unable to convert that traffic into sales?
That is when reality will hit you real hard and you will feel you wasted your time setting up a website and writing over 30 posts and having about 1000 visitors to your website a day but cannot make a single sale.
This is the very point that you will get to understand what I mean by this:
"TRAFFIC" means "NOTHING", if you cannot convert that traffic into sales
So in order to set yourself up for online success, you will need to follow the equation below:
Online "Success" Sales = Traffic + Conversion Strategy
If you don't have a conversion strategy, believe you me, you can drive one million traffic to your site and you will still have $0 in your bank account after 6 months.
If you will like to learn how to convert your website traffic into sales, then click on the link below to get the training on how to go about it.
As usual, contact me anytime you need help as well as further clarifications.
Take care and make sure you always remember this:
"TRAFFIC" means "NOTHING", if you cannot convert that traffic into sales
Recent Comments
It is quite a scary notion that you need to be a master at both generating traffic and closing sales, but that is the game.
It's true. I paid for 50,000 visitors to be sent to one of my other sites thinking surely 50 people would like something there and spend at least $10. Not one sale. That is when I started moving on WA. You can get 50,000 people to trample you to death, but it's really hard to get them to drop a $10 bill as they go by.
Thanks for sharing your experience to drive home my point. Follow my "Traffic Conversion Strategy" training and you will realize what you were doing wrong as well as learn how you can change that situation
You are definitely right. All top internet marketers unanimously say that the secret of success lies in building your subscribers list. If you do it you are building a business. If you don't do it you are just making money when you're lucky to make a sale, but you are not building a business. I think email marketing should be included in the main WA training and I hope Kyle and Carson will make this update soon.
Right on target with that. Great training on traffic conversion. Thank you for sharing this valuable information Phydel.
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I can dig the post. Interesting view.
thanks for appreciating