You Can Make a Lot of Money

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You Can Make a Lot of Money

I'm on a mailing list run by Flippa, a site that facilitates the sale and purchase of online businesses.

In the past, I've used them to sell a website and they were excellent to deal with.

But I like their emails showcasing sites for sale, as they can trigger ideas for new businesses.

Here's one I received today:

Premium Travel Blog

This DR35 blog features travel content for frequent fliers and is monetized through display advertising and affiliate sales.

Display advertising and affiliate sales. Two things taught here at Wealthy Affiliate.

How does the business perform?

  • Monthly profit: $58K
  • Monthly page views: 786K
  • Business age: 15 years

Sorry, I'll read that again... Fifty eight thousand dollars a month in profit!

They've Worked on It

This blog has built relationships with 75+ contributing bloggers, publishing 100+ pieces of travel content daily, in 15 languages. Traffic to the site is entirely organic, and the business comes with over 7M social followers.

So no advertising costs but a lot of social media and relationship-building work.

It just shows what you can achieve if you put your mind to it and take a long-term view.

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50 grand a month PROFIT from one website must put it near the $2m mark to buy Phil...

And after.... let's say four years one has made the investment back... it's all profit thereafter!!

Or is it? It's important to know why they are willing to sell and if they know of any inside knowledge for what the future holds!

I love travelling and wish I started a blog about where I have been starting 25 years ago!

Certainly some stories to tell there!!

I will sign up with Flippa, their newsletter sounds like it could be very valuable for the vast majority of us!

Appreciate the great info as always my friend! :-)

Yes, I'd estimate between one and a half and two million.

And, of course, selling can just be a combination of wanting a lump sum and no longer having to work on the business.

Yes, I've done a lot of travelling in the past that I wish now I'd taken more advantage of. Especially as I did a lot of it on frequent flyer points.

A lump sum like that would come in handy Phil!

We live and learn my friend! :-)

It's certainly one model for success. Build up a good business and sell it. Rinse and repeat.

I'm all in for that Phil... the first part still eludes me though!! :-)

It eludes most people, Nick. But keep persevering and, one day...

Absolutely Phil, that's all we can do my friend!

Wow. What a great idea. Lots of things you can learn from the successful actions of others.

Yesterday I was inspired to lose some more weight, so I decided to watch the actions of people who were already thin or who I know have lost weight. I noticed that the one lady who has always been thin, always put her fork down between bites AND she NEVER ate everything on her plate.

Maybe watching her actions will teach me to do some actions to lose weight.

Maybe watching the successful actions of others on here and elsewhere will teach me to do some actions to work my business.

Thanks for another inspirational post, Phil!


Yes, modelling what others do can work wonders. (As an aside, at 80, I weigh the same as I did at 18).

Cool! Good for you! :)


But always eat everything on my plate (childhood habit).

Me too! We always got the guilt trip about starving children somewhere. Like me eating all my food would help them somehow.

I had a friend who, when leaving some food on her plate, was reminded of the starving children in Africa, so she told her mother to parcel it up and send it to them!

Loveable blog post, Phil :) Thank you.

I don't think my blog posts have ever been called loveable before, Abie. My mind and body, perhaps.

It is a first, lol. Your comment is noted :)

Really appreciated.

You are welcome, lol :)

Oh wow, it was misspelled as well; I only just noticed lolololol

I am sure you are very lovable, Phil!


They write lovable blog posts lololol

My children and grandchildren might think so, Karin. Others... not so much.

There's only one of me, Abie. You're welcome to use the pronoun "he".

Np Phil :) We only have 1

Great idea, i will add myself to their mailing list!

Another reason to check out other successful websites is to see what they have done to become successful.

There might be something you can add or modify to your own websites to increase its own value, and generate more treffic, which in turn mesns more profit.


It can be a source of great ideas, Rudy.

Thank you very, Phil, for this information. Perhaps I should open up an account with them. Thank you, once again.

It was a great illustration of how you can make a substantial income with time and persistence.

Thank you, once again, for providing us valuable resources and ideas.
Have a great day.

Thanks, Joseph. You too.

That's very good to know, Phil!

Myra ♥️

Anything's possible, Myra.

Good morning Phil,

I'm also on Flippa's mailing list; they certainly have some interesting websites for sale.

It is really fascinating to look at the website and see how people have built up their online businesses. I agree with you, Phil; so much is achievable with an online business if we are willing to work.

All the best.


And be in it for the long haul. Like 15 years to become an overnight success!

A business making $46K a month is going to be worth between 1 and a half and 2 million.

That's so true, Phil, everything takes time to build.

I wonder what the price was, I'm not surprised, I thought it may have even been a bit more. I wonder how old the website is?

Have a great day.


It was 15 years old, Roy. But I just heard of a 5 year old site today making $79K monthly profit. In the bedding business!

That's absolutely amazing, Phil! It's just another example of what can be achieved online.

Have a great day.


Tight focus seems to be part of the pattern.

I couldn't agree more, Phil!

All the best.


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