The Benefit of Single Sourcing

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The Benefit of Single Sourcing

Single Sourcing is when you create something once, and then present it (perhaps in a modified form) on different platforms to get a benefit, such as sales or affiliate income.

Here's an example I'm working on right now.

Although I've been a member of Wealthy Affiliate since 2018, and am a strong supporter of both the training and the community here, I've never really promoted it.

(Other than when I first joined, and signed up maybe half a dozen, none of whom have remained for the long term).

So I've decided to change that.

And focus on a particular sub-set.

Namely Seniors, many of whom have the motivation (not being able to fund the retirement they deserve) and the life experience (such as being knowledgeable about golf, parenting or whatever) but lack some technical expertise (which they have the ability to acquire if they have a blueprint to follow).

I feel that I have the age and experience to offer genuine help to them.

So first of all, the lead magnet. An e-book titled Affiliate Marketing for Seniors, to be made freely available on my Super Affiliate Challenge website. I'll add their names and emails to my list and queue them into an email series promoting Wealthy Affiliate.

That's one source of income. Wealthy Affiliate commissions.

But then I think this book could sell well on Amazon.

So, when I've finished it, along with adding it to the website, I'll reformat it as both a Kindle and a paperback and publish it on Amazon using the KDP platform. Sales there would be a second source of income for very little extra work (the main work is in writing the text, and that's already bee done).

While I'm at it, why not create a pin on my internet marketing board on Pinterest?

And promote it to my Linked In contacts?

And Facebook friends?

With a link to the promotion page on the website, where they'll get added to the list.

And here's another idea. I can copy individual paragraphs from the book, ask ChatGPT4 to rephrase them, and I then have multiple blog posts for the website with almost no work.

There are many ways you can implement single-sourcing and multiply both your income and your productivity.

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Recent Comments


Awesome stuff! This could be really worth it.

Thanks, Kathie. I hope so. I'm a big fan of single sourcing.

Awesome, Phil.

Very well done!

Myra โ™ฅ๏ธ

Thank you, Myra.

Sounds Great, Phil!

Well done!


Thanks Jeff.

You bet, Phil!


Sounds great Phil! Looking forward to your progress and success on this endeavor. I know you will sell lots of those books too! Keep up the great work Phil!

Thanks, Michael. I appreciate your comment.

Awesome focus selection, Phil!

I too, have never promoted WA, and also decided to create a site, using the hub training, to do just that!

Great book cover, too!


Thanks, Rudy. I'm using ChatGPT4 (of course) to help write the book, but adding a lot to it from my own experience.

Chat is very helpful indeed! And so is knowledge and experience.


Chat for the outline, knowledge and experience for the detail.



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