Do You Want to Triple Your Affiliate Income?

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Do You Want to Triple Your Affiliate Income?

A trick question. I mean, who doesn't, right?

If you are already doing affiliate marketing with at least one vendor with multiple products, you can do it.

It just requires a little work but has side benefits as well.

I can most easily explain it with an example of something I'm about to do right now.

Here's an Example

I'm an affiliate for two vendors, both of whom have products that I can target at Valentine's Day.

They have products suitable as gifts for women and others suitable as gifts for men.

What I'm going to do is put 3 of them together as a gift pack for women, another 3 as a gift pack for men and a six-pack as a gift for couples.

Each gift pack will represent a savings off buying the products individually.

Creating the Products

I'll give each bundle a name and add them under their name and with the discounted prices to PayPal and copy the PayPal button code. I use my own image for the PayPal button as the standard PayPal one is pretty ordinary.

Then I'll create a landing page on my website for each product, containing the corresponding PayPal buy button and I'll also create a (non-indexed) page containing the affiliate links to the vendor. This is just for my own use, so that when someone buys one of the bundles, I can very quickly order the products on their behalf.

Building My List

On the Thank You page that they are returned to after they've purchased through PayPal, I'll tell them their shipment is on its way and I'll have a checkbox that says they'd like to get a free gift and further offers from me. If they check it (or leave it checked, if it's pre-filled in) I can add them to my mailing list. This is a huge side-benefit.

Promoting the Offer

This is familiar territory to Wealthy Affiliate members. I'll write keyword rich blog posts promoting the offers. As many as I can fit in ahead of Valentine's Day.

Product of the Week

And I'll do one more thing.

I'll put one of the offers (probably the six-pack) on my site's front page under the heading Product of the Week and a countdown timer set to expire on February 10 (to allow for delivery).

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Recent Comments


Very good idea to bundle products to increase AOV. Your blog confuses me a little. An Affiliate Marketer usually is not involved in the order payment and logistics. Your solution sounds like dropshipping, but on an Affiliate Site, you have no checkout page.

Is the PayPal button a replacement option for a Checkout page? If so where can I get more info on how to apply that?

Thanks for pointing out this solution.

You're treating the bundle as if it's your product but ordering it from the vendor(s) using your customer's details, which PayPal has sent to you.

I plan on doing a step-by-step training.

Thanks, Phil, sounds good. In this case, the seller does not make a commission on a sale by the vendor but makes a margin on the buying price. So it looks more like my drop shipping business than affiliate marketing.

When I order from the vendor using the buyer's details, I get paid the affiliate commission. I use the money the customer has paid me through PayPal to purchase the product. It's more like a mixture of the two.

Valuable information, Phil.
Thank you.

Hope you found it useful, Muslimah.

From the experience of a skilled operator, great advice and idea.
So good to have a person such as Phil on board who is willing to help people.

Nice of you to say so, Maurice.

That sounds like a great idea!

It's a bit of work, but well worth it.

Great Tactic to share Phil.

Thanks, Lisa.

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