About PepperGuy
Rank 68985
434 followers Joined October 2012
My name is William. Here on WA I am known as ‘Pepper Guy’. I retired from the United States Army with after 22 years of service. After





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asked in
The Wealthy Affiliate Platform

We have been doing a lot of work in WA bootcamp on program reviews. I have had the opportunity to come across a few old reviews of WA back from a few years ago....(pause to think).

Very sound advice - excellent new post materials - many thanks.

Like this idea, great. Thanks for bringing this to us

I think that is a great idea, you are so smart. perfect plan to help those skeptics out there on the web. I know because it takes one to know one right ;O) Great Job

Using  Old WA Reviews to Your Advantage

Using Old WA Reviews to Your Advantage

asked in
The Wealthy Affiliate Platform

We have been doing a lot of work in WA bootcamp on program reviews. I have had the opportunity to come across a few old reviews of WA back from a few years ago....(pause to think).

Very sound advice - excellent new post materials - many thanks.

Like this idea, great. Thanks for bringing this to us

I think that is a great idea, you are so smart. perfect plan to help those skeptics out there on the web. I know because it takes one to know one right ;O) Great Job

asked in
Everything Wordpress

I woke up this morning and a thought occurred to me about incoming links. I would like a few more than the one I have now on http://www.plantingvegetablegarden.com If a person were

Yes if you were to share an image on your website on Pinterest, or on other social networks, you would get a back-link to your site and potentially some visitors coming to your site from the source.

Shared photos as incoming links?

Shared photos as incoming links?

asked in
Everything Wordpress

I woke up this morning and a thought occurred to me about incoming links. I would like a few more than the one I have now on http://www.plantingvegetablegarden.com If a person were

Yes if you were to share an image on your website on Pinterest, or on other social networks, you would get a back-link to your site and potentially some visitors coming to your site from the source.

asked in
Getting Started

If you have been here at Wealthy Affiliate for any length of time (2 days, 1 week, 1 month, 6 months) I am almost certain you have visited the 'Chat Room'. If you haven't visited y

Well said and I'm in total agreement. Thank you.

Thank You for reading and the nice compliment along with it

You are so welcome. And I thank you for reading

Thank you for this post. It really does make a difference and starts the sharing on WA.

You are so right about it being intimidating when first introducing yourself.

I remember when I first signed on and everyone ignored me, I felt like maybe they were too busy to be bothered with a newcomer that probably had nothing to add to the conversation.

But then one person welcomed me and I felt relieved and then another and I realized that it was just that everyone was engrossed in trying to solve their problems.

It really is a great place to hang out in, if only as an observer. I have learned a lot while there from many of those who know what they're talking about.

So I recommend to everyone new to join in. learn and participate whenever you need guidance from those who know how to give it =)

Yes, It does have that effect on people. People he a tendency to forget sometimes what it's like to be ignored. Glad you stuck around to be part of the team. Thanks for reading

Good post. I'm like you, Bill, when sometimes it's best to check in on Live Chat but not always get involved if I need to continue working on something else. I do "reward" myself sometimes and join the conversation. And I try to make sure I say hi to the newcomers.

God morning Rick..Part of being 'Social' is rewarding yourself..That's why I reward myself with music from time to time..and if I like it..why not share with others? lol Plus it removes all doubt from anybody thinking I'm crazy lol

LOL Scotty..I still get ignored and I'm not a newcomer and yeah it still pis...er ..bothers me sometimes.

I totally agree. It makes a World of Difference to the Newcomer. Heck, I'm a newcomer !

I agrred with you :)

Thanks Jorge..lo hace el buen corazón cuando haces nuevos amigos

Exacto :)

I agree with you Bill. I've been around long enough to experience when the chat was first introduced and I remember thinking it was a boys club which I couldn't interrupt. I watched but never said a word. Then one day someone asked a question and I answered it and that was it - I have happily taken part ever since.

But it can be very intimidating for new people as they often worry about saying the wrong things or interrupting. As you rightly point out it can be very intimidating and if you're ignored it can be very depressing.. So yes it really helps if you say hello to new people - whatever is going on.

I know sometimes It can't be helped, and yes I watch sometimes, because I know if I get involved in discussions it eats up a lot of time...This is especially true with newer people and a lot of the questions they have...You send them to a source and this can continue on for quite awhile. LOL sometimes staying in the shadows does save time

You are right Pepper. It makes me wonder why some of my guests haven´t introduced themselves in the chat. But I understand the nature of the chat room is to be speedy and ephemeral. Oh yes, there is then this outwitting game going on...

Game? I thought it was standard operating procedure ...LOL No...In all seriousness, some people don't like getting involved in discussions..Maybe being quiet is what works for them

That game is a SOP in many other arenas. I enjoy it, sometimes I win a bit, sometimes it bores me to death.

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First Social Contact and 'Chat Room' Recognition

First Social Contact and 'Chat Room' Recognition

asked in
Getting Started

If you have been here at Wealthy Affiliate for any length of time (2 days, 1 week, 1 month, 6 months) I am almost certain you have visited the 'Chat Room'. If you haven't visited y

Well said and I'm in total agreement. Thank you.

Thank You for reading and the nice compliment along with it

You are so welcome. And I thank you for reading

Thank you for this post. It really does make a difference and starts the sharing on WA.

You are so right about it being intimidating when first introducing yourself.

I remember when I first signed on and everyone ignored me, I felt like maybe they were too busy to be bothered with a newcomer that probably had nothing to add to the conversation.

But then one person welcomed me and I felt relieved and then another and I realized that it was just that everyone was engrossed in trying to solve their problems.

It really is a great place to hang out in, if only as an observer. I have learned a lot while there from many of those who know what they're talking about.

So I recommend to everyone new to join in. learn and participate whenever you need guidance from those who know how to give it =)

Yes, It does have that effect on people. People he a tendency to forget sometimes what it's like to be ignored. Glad you stuck around to be part of the team. Thanks for reading

Good post. I'm like you, Bill, when sometimes it's best to check in on Live Chat but not always get involved if I need to continue working on something else. I do "reward" myself sometimes and join the conversation. And I try to make sure I say hi to the newcomers.

God morning Rick..Part of being 'Social' is rewarding yourself..That's why I reward myself with music from time to time..and if I like it..why not share with others? lol Plus it removes all doubt from anybody thinking I'm crazy lol

LOL Scotty..I still get ignored and I'm not a newcomer and yeah it still pis...er ..bothers me sometimes.

I totally agree. It makes a World of Difference to the Newcomer. Heck, I'm a newcomer !

I agrred with you :)

Thanks Jorge..lo hace el buen corazón cuando haces nuevos amigos

Exacto :)

I agree with you Bill. I've been around long enough to experience when the chat was first introduced and I remember thinking it was a boys club which I couldn't interrupt. I watched but never said a word. Then one day someone asked a question and I answered it and that was it - I have happily taken part ever since.

But it can be very intimidating for new people as they often worry about saying the wrong things or interrupting. As you rightly point out it can be very intimidating and if you're ignored it can be very depressing.. So yes it really helps if you say hello to new people - whatever is going on.

I know sometimes It can't be helped, and yes I watch sometimes, because I know if I get involved in discussions it eats up a lot of time...This is especially true with newer people and a lot of the questions they have...You send them to a source and this can continue on for quite awhile. LOL sometimes staying in the shadows does save time

You are right Pepper. It makes me wonder why some of my guests haven´t introduced themselves in the chat. But I understand the nature of the chat room is to be speedy and ephemeral. Oh yes, there is then this outwitting game going on...

Game? I thought it was standard operating procedure ...LOL No...In all seriousness, some people don't like getting involved in discussions..Maybe being quiet is what works for them

That game is a SOP in many other arenas. I enjoy it, sometimes I win a bit, sometimes it bores me to death.

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