What does SumoMe do?
Hi Guys and Gals
Just been asked this question and so I would like to share with you a few things about SumoMe
I Love this tool and I use it basically for the social sites - see below
AS you see I am using 8 social site but you can choose anything you want so that is the main thing but also I use sumo for the dashboard - see below
This tells me who is sharing and what is happing for the week but you can choose the time frame your self. I also use SumoMe for a more detailed view of social - see below
I also use got Google as a quick view of what is happening as it open along with my site - see below
I also use the Subscriber section to see what is happening and can write to subscribers as and when I want to - see below
I am only really using these 4 items with SumoMe but in fact it does have 10 this in total that you can use
Hope this helps
Recent Comments
I get my weekly reports and it's very accurate on how many people visit your site---lets you know when you increase traffic or lose traffic
Didn’t know that he Sumome can do so much on a free version - foes the free version comes with limited time of usage or just free for life.
I will also check it out from their website - no problem.
Well I have been running for two year nows and every once in a whole they ask if I want to upgrade and I alway say no
Oh, wow! Really? That's a good development because, when I was using that and I wanted to integrate it with Aweber, I can't. They were asking me to upgrade to a paid version. Since I wasn't read that time for additional expenses, I declined. That's nice, we can have those features for free. Thanks for the update! :)
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