Beating Depression

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Hey gang...

So, I've been out of commission for a few weeks with a pretty severe bout of depression.

It all started with Labor Day weekend. Or, in this case, Labor Day week.

You see, my "day job" is in retail, and Labor Day weekend is one of, if not the biggest, sale in the retail landscape. As such, I went a full week working 14-16 hour days. Combine that with an hour commute, and it was rough.

But, I was also trying to write and build my business. Needless to say, I wasn't getting much sleep.

Combine this with the fact that I am also on a buffet of medications for diabetes and high blood pressure.

Unfortunately, it was too much for my system, and I spiraled out of control. I've struggled with depression for most of my life, but this was the worst I've ever had it.

As a result, my wife made an appointment with the doctor.

Now, I want to tell you how I "beat" it...

Yes, I took about a week and a half off and did nothing but sleep.

(My wife likes to say I went to bed early, and then slept in to make up for it. Oh... and let's not forget the many afternoon naps.)

Yes, I got my medications balanced out.

Yes, I have a family that loves and supports me.

But, there is one factor that was a bit of a surprise.

It's all of you.

Wealthy Affiliate is great. I've learned a lot since joining. But more than the technology, the platform, or even the training, for me WA's number one benefit is the community.

Once I got rested up and my system back to normal, I couldn't wait to get back here and jump right in.

I honestly craved reading the chat, reading other's blogs, and watching those amazing short videos.

And, at the risk of sounding like I'm sucking up to the boss (LOL), I was really looking forward to those personal messages from Kyle. I've never had an owner of a service I was using care so much!

So, I just wanted to share where I was at and what was happening, but more importantly, I wanted to say thank you to each and every one of you.

It's you, my Wealthy Affiliate family, that really helped me beat depression.

God bless.

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Recent Comments


God bless, and He will! Keep your eyes on Him! Don’t stress about yesterday or worry about tomorrow, today is going to be the new start you’ve been waiting for! Blessings

Sorry to hear about your depression issues James but happy to know you have now come out on the other side!

There is no better community than here for help and support in my opinion!

Take care of yourself my friend and all the very best moving forward! :-)

I'm with you. I am glad you have beaten this bout. Having struggled with depression all of my life, too, I feel your pain. I also suffer from diabetes. There have been so many times when I want to quit the day job that it almost overwhelms me!

I just noticed something...all the things that get me down start with "D": Day job, Diabetes and Depression. I think I see D problem!

I joke, but I know those three, at least for me, are a Dangerous combination. Unfortunately my deficit bank account does not allow me to quit the day job—yet!

I am glad you persevered and that you have so much support!

Take care!


Hi James!

So glad that your presence here at WA has helped you through some tough times!

Best wishes for a blessed week!

Great to hear that not only you got the rest your body and mind needed but the fact you know you have a wonderful community here in WA to keep you going the right way
Good to have family support as well, don't forget to give your wife a big hug of thanks and let her know how much you appreciated her support.

Take care


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