Advice Anyone?

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So, I've been wanted to get a small blog page going here at WA, but I'm hesitant to do so.

You see, I've only been a member here for about three weeks. Yes, I've got 30+ years in business management -- mostly in sales and marketing -- but the majority of that was "old school" brick-and-mortar business... I'm kinda new to the whole digital thing, particularly this crazy world of affiliate marketing.

I guess my question to all of you is, should I just do it? Since I'm so new and have practically zero experience with the things we usually talk about in here, I'm not sure how many people would actually bother listening.

So, as you're reading this, please let me know in the comments if you would like to learn more about things like management, operations, sales, etc. Granted, it's not "digital" knowledge necessarily, but I feel like the basics of business and entrepreneurship stay the same, regardless of the vehicle, and perhaps I could help in some small way.


Anyway, thanks. I'm really enjoying my time at WA.


P.S. I also have a degree in writing (albeit a bit dusty LOL), so perhaps I could write articles about that as well. Just let me know. Thanks again.

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Hi James!

Keep learning on how Kyle recommends we do things in the affiliate marketing space and share from your experience where you see you can help others.

That's what we do here as a community of like-minded people looking for success in our own small business.

Best wishes here in WA!

Of course you should! As has already been said, it gets you into a habit, and writing about one subject will lead your brain to others. Just keep a notebook handy.


Writing with Wealthy Affiliate blog posts are a great way to get into the rhythm of writing and you'll get feedback as well. You can do it!


Go for it Anthony. I am new also, about 3 months. I’ve published 27 articles. All you really need to do is follow the step by step training and you can’t miss. You have a very unique niche - give it a go. Best of luck.

Your blog posts here at WA can be about exactly what you're talking about: staring a new journey into affiliate marketing. Use your WA blog like a journal, share your progress, your hurdles, your a-ha moments...

You don't have to write from any kind of authority in your WA blog. It's meant as just a place where you can share your progress as you learn and build.

Take the weight off your shoulders and write freely! :) 👍🏼

Just do it! - Nike

I recommend always to just jump off the edge, and try new things. It is how you learn, if you are apprehensive and you never do something out of fear of being wrong you are right, you will never be wrong...but you will never learn how to do something right. :)

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