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Hey! Whats new? Im Nate, im just a random guy. Sound cool? I bet not because im also pretty normal. Normal is cool, so dont be





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asked in
Authoring & Writing Content

I was reading an email I got from an known marketer and he recommends not promoting physical products because people just read the info and click out of your site , he says it'

I think the answer to this lies in who your audience is. Shoppers rarely buy on first glance without checking out the product first no matter what the product is. I believe them to be of equal value. Yes, it is a digital world nowadays but not everyone is buying digital. A combination of both would be even better and serves a bigger need throughout your audience and it gives them more options. I hope this helps...best wishes!!

Thanks a lot ! If definitely helps a ton !

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Promote digital products instead of physical?

Promote digital products instead of physical?

asked in
Authoring & Writing Content

I was reading an email I got from an known marketer and he recommends not promoting physical products because people just read the info and click out of your site , he says it'

I think the answer to this lies in who your audience is. Shoppers rarely buy on first glance without checking out the product first no matter what the product is. I believe them to be of equal value. Yes, it is a digital world nowadays but not everyone is buying digital. A combination of both would be even better and serves a bigger need throughout your audience and it gives them more options. I hope this helps...best wishes!!

Thanks a lot ! If definitely helps a ton !

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asked in
Search Engine Optimization

alright so I followed the training, and I did everything Kyle instructed. I put the keyword in my title, body paragraphs and the end, keep in mind the QSR for my keywords is 0


SEO is weird !

But most of all the site trust is important !


BE patient !

It take time to build !

Rome was not build in one day!!!


Thanks a lot for your advice!

I agree with Josh your site if its new needs to build trust on Google. This can take up to 10 months to build full trust or 1 trust point per month.

And it also depends on your niche. If you are in a highly competitive one, it will be difficult regardless.

True! My site is only a month and a half old!!

That's why. You only gain 10% trust every month (so your site has only 15% trust), your results will began showing after 6-7 months when you have 60-70% trust.

Have you added sitemaps for your site. Get an account at Google Search Console. There you can do Google fetch that can index the pages and post at least somewhere or article is that good could end up in page 1 too.

I did indeed! Its because my website is very new, about a month and a half old!

Thanks for your help btw!!!

Try typing


Does your articles show up? If no they are not indexed so not ranked.

Actually to check if your site is indexed just type site:yourdomain.com

can take 6 months+ for google to trust your site enough to rank it properly. How targeted are the keywords, it may have 0 QSR but the results on page one may be super tough? How much posts, ho many word per post, too many ads etc. Lots of things come into play

Very informative! Whenever I do keyword research I usually type it into google and see what shows up, the keywords I target are usually low saturated. My site however is just a month and a half old so its kind of expected, thanks Josh!

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Why arent any of my articles ranking in google?

Why arent any of my articles ranking in google?

asked in
Search Engine Optimization

alright so I followed the training, and I did everything Kyle instructed. I put the keyword in my title, body paragraphs and the end, keep in mind the QSR for my keywords is 0


SEO is weird !

But most of all the site trust is important !


BE patient !

It take time to build !

Rome was not build in one day!!!


Thanks a lot for your advice!

I agree with Josh your site if its new needs to build trust on Google. This can take up to 10 months to build full trust or 1 trust point per month.

And it also depends on your niche. If you are in a highly competitive one, it will be difficult regardless.

True! My site is only a month and a half old!!

That's why. You only gain 10% trust every month (so your site has only 15% trust), your results will began showing after 6-7 months when you have 60-70% trust.

Have you added sitemaps for your site. Get an account at Google Search Console. There you can do Google fetch that can index the pages and post at least somewhere or article is that good could end up in page 1 too.

I did indeed! Its because my website is very new, about a month and a half old!

Thanks for your help btw!!!

Try typing


Does your articles show up? If no they are not indexed so not ranked.

Actually to check if your site is indexed just type site:yourdomain.com

can take 6 months+ for google to trust your site enough to rank it properly. How targeted are the keywords, it may have 0 QSR but the results on page one may be super tough? How much posts, ho many word per post, too many ads etc. Lots of things come into play

Very informative! Whenever I do keyword research I usually type it into google and see what shows up, the keywords I target are usually low saturated. My site however is just a month and a half old so its kind of expected, thanks Josh!

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