What's Your Perspective of Age?

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Several times this week, I've found people's perspectives of age and the restrictions on what they think can be done varying considerably.

On a visit to one of my property projects, a contractor was talking about property investing - I wish I was young enough to start investing. I should have done that when I was younger he said. He is 39 years old.

At a hospital checkup the doctor suggested my interpreter may be interested in a medical career with her knowledge of hospital procedures. No, I'm too old she replied. She is 43 years old.

The doctor then told her about his friend who started studying medicine at 75 years old. He's now qualified and loves working as a doctor.

As an investor, I study not only the markets but the people who make the money. Warren Buffett considered the greatest investor of our time is 93 years old. Consistently in the top 5 billionaires in the world. 95% of his wealth was created after he was 55 years of age. He is still working and in huge demand.

Colonel Sanders was 62 when he started KFC.

As for myself, I started investing at age 40 - older than the 39 year old contractor who thought he was too old to start property investing. I borrowed £300 on a credit card and turned it into £10m in 4 years.

Last week, I launched my 20th business - all are still running, making profits and tend to keep me active - I'll be 65 next month.

Age is just a number. It's our perspective of age that either holds us back or lets us fly.

What's your perspective of age?

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This is a great topic, one that flows directly into what I do. Encouraging retirees and soon-to-be retirees to join WA and show them the ease with which you can start a niche blog.

You are NEVER too old to learn something new. How many of our generation are using ChatGPT? I know that WE are!

I go all the way back to learning to use Microwave Ovens. (Yes, they were NEW when I was 20!) How many TV Dinners (and microwaves) exploded before we learned that aluminum does not go in there? Always learning something new is my definition of living.

Age is just a number for those of us who enjoy learning something new. Age is a limitation if someone is stuck in a rut and does not have the mindset to do/learn something NEW.

I recently wrote a post on Medium,

Are You Still Working?
Don’t Get Pissed, Get a Niche

This answered the question of

"I’m 65 and Active. Does anyone else get annoyed when people ask if you’re still working?"

AGE IS JUST A NUMBER when we are enjoying the journey of life.

Great post. Happy Saturday.


Thanks for sharing MrDon,

My hubby and I have always said, that we intend to work until we die. Not 80 hours a week but rather do some work each day and enjoy the rest of the day. We believe active minds keep you alert and energised.

Hey Karen, I think that age is just a number and feeling old is just in the mind. I'm going to be 80 in November (and I can't believe it!) still so much to do. I currently have two affiliate marketing websites and I manage a nonprofit website. I'm involved in community theatre and will be directing two plays in the next 6 months, acting in one in the early part of next year, and I'm just about to begin a new venture in the Voice-Over market. Too much to do to get old. Cheer4s, Jenni

Wow, Jenni, I had no idea! Good for you!

On my two pool teams, I have an 81 year old woman on one, and an 82 year old man on the other, still shooting pool every week!

My dad and I both have birthdays in March, and he just turned 97! He's going strong, too. Owns his own company and still goes to the office a few days a week!


Hey Rudy, Like I said - age is just a number, it doesn't define you. You can be whatever you want, no matter what age you reach. Great about your pool players - they sound just like me! Cheers, Jenni.

There are practicalities to age Karen, I can't run as fast as I could 30 years ago, for example, I have more grey hair and my eyesight isn't what it was.
In my experience people who think they're old act old and people who think they're young act young. I'm still young at 57!
I've met people in their thirties who think they're old, people in their forties who think they're past it and people in their sixties for whom life is just beginning.
I imagine I'll be entering middle age soon!


Like your middle age comment. My target age is 130 and I'm 65 this year so just getting to middle age - :)

We are only as old as we feel, Karen!

You have done very well for yourself!


Hi Karen

I’m a 70 year old physician nearing retirement. I don’t consider age in someone who is mentally and physically fit to be a constraint, but there can be practical and financial considerations.

For the example you gave, in the USA it takes an average of 12 years to become a practicing physician from the start of college (pre-med studies) and about $750,000 of educational debt. So, someone starting this process at age 75 years old would be 87 upon completion.

It would leave that doctor with an average of three years to practice medicine and an incredible debt load.

Frank 🎸

I don't know the cost or logistics here in Spain. I can only pass on what the interpreter was telling me.

What I do know, is the law here says if you take out a loan it has to be paid by the age of 70 so he would have had to pay cash or have an alternative way to fund it.

In the US, I think that any under gradute over the age of 55 who returns to college should should only have to pay for books and lab fees. Graduate school and any further studies are a different matter.


Hi Rudy

Yeah, "higher" education in the USA is way overpriced, in my opinion.

I graduated with a Master's degree from Northwestern University in healthcare informatics back in 2015. It cost me around $40,000, and that was mostly online, with some classes on-campus in Chicago.

That was almost ten years ago, so I'll bet it's easily $10,000 to $20,000 more now!

Frank 🤘🎸

Oh, I'm sure! Much more! When online colleges were still fairly new, I finished my bachelor's in 2009, and through loans racked up 23,000. For 2 years study.


Just think about how many guitars you could have bought instead! Lol 😆

Frank 🤘🎸

Haha! For sure! Although, the drums are calling again...


Then, you’re all hooked up with everything you need, Rudy! 👍😎🥁

Yay!! I think so too!!


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