My FIRST Online Coaching Course! I'm Super-excited!

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Have you ever asked yourself the question - what's the worst that could happen?

I was the one child who would ask the teacher a question but never caring if the response would be negative.

The worst answer the teacher could give me would be a no. See?- nothing dramatic.

Last week I followed that same reasoning and hosted a challenge here on the Wealthy Affiliate platform.

I was also taking part in two other online challenges at the same time.

I wanted to find out what's the worst that could happen.

And I did.

For the first time in a very long time, I fell in love again with the reason that I wanted to do online coaching.

I became super-productive and had to literally stop myself,

But yesterday I felt super-excited and proud after writing my very first course online. And I felt as if this was a special turning point in my online business.

For those of you that uses a check-list, you will know when I say that the best part was checking this dream off.

My dream has now become my reality.

For those of you that are still being cautious and hesitant, It will be okay.

Don't forget how brave every baby is when taking their first step!

Never let ANYTHING hold you back from achieving your dream!

Until next time


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Wahoo!! Newme020!! Wahoo!!! CONGRATULATIONS 💃🏆💃💐🎈🎉🍾 I am so sooooooooooo happy for you. You are a kind Woman . Only Success shall continue to follow you all the days of your life. Nothing can limit You. I know within my heart ♥️ that we are in the Right Place. Our Mentors are so Kind and they want each and everyone of us to Succeed. I see you on top already. Great job Newme 👍👍👍. Lady D2

Oh thank you so much for your warm and kind words
I appreciate you so much

Good morning Simone,

Congratulations on creating your own online course! I'm sure that takes a huge amount of effort and research etc. I really wish you every success. We keep taking steps forward!

In answer to your question, I am meeting some of my milestones, but if I'm totally honest, not all of them. This needs to change.

Have a great day.


You're back?
Thank you for your kind wishes.
It was a huge challenge to do.
As a teacher and a nurse, I'm aware of all the learning needs and impairments that are needed toske this course accessible to all.

I hope it will be a success
You can put the milestones that you are not meeting on a checklist to monitor your progress as you go along.

We are back, Simone! It was a short trip, but as always, enjoyable!

It's always a pleasure, Simone; seeing other members move forward like yourself, it helps to keep me motivated to do the same.

It's great that you are using your skills to create a course for other people. I indeed hope very much that it will be successful for you, Simone. All we can do is keep pushing forward and I know you know that!

Enjoy the rest of your Sunday.


Yes,that's all we can really do!
Thank yo, Roy for stopping by
Have a blessed Sunday

And, of course, we can put faith in front of everything we do!

It's always a pleasure, Simone! I appreciate you documenting your journey; it's helpful for many of us.

All the best.


My aim is for others to learn and grow
And that's all I can ask

That sounds like a great thing to want to do, Simone!

Have a great day.


It is, Roy
Have a wonderful and productive day

Thank you Simone, I appreciate that.

I do hope that you are able to achieve a lot today.


That's always my aim for each day

Wow, that's awesome. Yes, I would be so excited if I had this experience. So that is what you have been doing lately. Congratulations!

I'm sorry, I have been absent from the blogging space for almost a week because of some serious technical problems that I was having with my website. I got most of it solved. I will share that on my blog for another day. I still have one more hurdle to fix before I can get content on it.

I agree with this statement, "never let ANYTHING hold you back from achieving your dream." I will write this down, print it, and post it on my vision board. Thanks for the inspiration.

After ironing out all the technical issues, I aim to make tons of milestones on my new website. I hope to get tons of content on my site. 👍

Brenda, sorry about the technical issues on your website.
You were badly missed.

As you know, recently I throw fears out of my life and started to diligently focused on fulfilling all the things I've written down for my website.

It was a reflective process but the outcome was very rewarding

Now the course is just one of the things on my list. When I create my coaching packages, I will be halfway where I'm supposed to be.

I'm glad it was this week, because I have to totally concentrate on my case studies and essay writing for my course next two weeks. Exam is on April 6.

Step by step, Brenda and you WILL achieve your goals.

It's always a pleasure hearing from you.
Thank you always for stopping by.

Hi Simone, sounds wonderful. 👍🏻

It surely is ;)
Have a wonderful weekend

That's brilliant news Simone!

Congratulations and really happy for you. Exciting times ahead.

Wishing you continued success and happiness as you bring your dream alive in others.


Exciting times ahead, indeed, Tracy
Can't wait to start promoting and help change lives

I appreciate your ongoing support and kind words
Thank you for stopping by

You're welcome. You'll be amazing!!


That's really lovely words, Tracy
I do hope so too
Thank you so much

Very awesome, indeed, Simone! Enjoy yourself, my friend!


Oh, Jeff!
I'm having a blast ;)

I am so happy for you, Simone!


It is a big achievement, Jeff
And so will your book when you're finished

It is, Simone, and thank you! We will have to wait and see!


I already know that your book will be productive, Jeff
You can tell me when it is ;)

I'll shout it to the world when it is, Simone!

Keep enjoying your new day!


I would love to hear you shout, Jeff
I reckon I will hear it all across the pond

Haha, Simone--only if it is successful!


No, Jeff!
WHEN it is successful!

Thanks, Simone!

You're always welcome



That's really exciting, Simone. Who participated in the course and how did you let them know about it? Just curious to know your process.

Jim, I just completed creating the course for my target audience yesterday.
Next week I will be promoting it via social media ( paid and free) and then I will learn more ;)
Grateful for your support

That is wonderful.

Thank you, Jim ;)

Congrats Simone! Always inspiring to hear others success stories.

Isaiah 😊

It is inspiring, Isaiah. Thank you for your support

Congratulations Simone. Anything is possible if you put your mind to it. All the best.

Well said, Rob
Anything is possible when we put out minds to it
I am grateful for your support

Congratulations, a good reason to celebrate this weekend.


That's so true, David
A perfect productive ending for me
Thank you for your support, David

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