8 Years At Wealthy Affiliate!

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I started my journey into online business 8 years ago at Wealthy Affiliate. I can hardly believe it has now been that long.

I've ventured into various ways to make money online in the last 8 years. While affiliate marketing still plays an important role, a large amount of my income comes from self-publishing today.

It may take many twists and turns to discover what works in your case. I've done plenty of pivoting in the last 8 years! When something does click into place, It probably won't be the thing you initially expected.

When I first started at WA, I was very eager to make money and honestly thought it would happen quickly, (no matter what I was told). But it was only once I stopped just focusing on the money and tried to focus on the journey and putting the work in, that I got the best results.

I just looked back on my money goals when I first started at WA....

They were pretty conservative goals actually! I've had many great months where I have made considerably more than I was striving for in the beginning. As time goes on, you realise what is possible and adjust your goals.

There is so much more that I want to achieve online. While it may have been 8 years since I started at WA, I still feel there is so much more to learn and many ways I want to grow.

The online space is continuously evolving and I believe with the introduction of Ai, it's going to change faster than ever.

There are already so many more opportunities online than when I started 8 years ago and that is only going to grow.

I wish all of you just starting out all the best and hope you achieve everything you set out to do.

All the best, Nat

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Recent Comments


Good morning Nat,

Thank you for sharing your success stories and your eight-year anniversary, it's great that you have achieved so much. It's also great that you have kept moving forward through your time on Wealthy Affiliate!

I notice that you keep quite a low profile on the platform, maybe you ought to share more! I appreciate that time is limited though and we have to focus on the right things.

Well done for making it happen and thank you for sharing your story.

All the best.


Thank you very much. You are right Roy!! I've been pretty absent from the WA platform for a while, but this has inspired me to share more on the platform. I do find myself trying to juggle time a lot, but I would like to make time for this. Have a great weekend!

Thank you, Natalie! I believe that many people would enjoy hearing your story, including myself!

I do understand, time is a great thing and sometimes we have to prioritise!

I mentioned to Kyle, in a comment on one of his many blog posts, that I generally start my day, by reading a few posts from Wealthy Affiliate and reply etc. I find it quite motivating to be able to share in people's wins and to also help in their struggles! It seems to start the day off well!

All the best.


Hi Roy, that’s a great idea. I will endeavour to do that! Sounds like a positive way to start the day. Thanks, Nat

It definitely works for me, Nat and for Jeffrey Brown, I believe!

All the best.


This is so true Roy! I retired last month from my job in Corporate America. I worked remote, so the only thing I really miss is the engagement with co-workers via email, Teams, Zoom, txt, and phone. The WA community is filling that void nicely for me and I find it very helpful & motivating each day.

Good morning Dave,

I think we are both on the same wavelength, Dave!

Congratulations, Dave on your retirement; that must be kind of a nice feeling. It's great that Wealthy Affiliate is filling that void, regarding interaction with others, I think it's very important that we mix with other people, even if it's only online.

Virtually all my life, I have worked for myself and spent a lot of time on my own. However, I actually like people a lot and like to see the best in everyone. Hence why it's good to be able to communicate with the Wealthy Affiliate community and to try and help and encourage other members and vice versa of course!

A very happy retirement to you, although I don't think we can really retire, we have to do something absorbing.

Have a fantastic Sunday.


Happy 8th WAnniversary, Nat! Many congrats on your achievements and best wishes for many more successes.


Thanks very much Susan :). All the best to you too.

Thanks and very much appreciated. :-)

Congrats, Nat, on eight wonderful years! 🥳🎈

Wow, what an excellent story!👍

I agree that AI will be a huge game-changer! 😎

Rock On! 🤘
Frank 👍

Hey Frank, thank you very much! Have a great day :)

You, too! 😎

Awesome Nat, thanks for sharing your story (and your successes). I can't wait to see where the next year, let alone the next 8 take you here within WA. We appreciate you and it is wonderful to have folks like yourself as part of the family here to WA.

Here's to your ongoing success!

Hey Kyle, thank you very much! WA was the start of this whole journey and for that, I will be forever grateful! :)

Hi Nat. Thank you for sharing your story. Makes quite interesting reading. I like that part when you said you wont make make money fast. I agree with you. I realised that WA is not about a sprint but a marathon. It took me longer but hey I wont tire.
Thanx a lot.

Hey, thanks for taking the time to comment. Yes, I definitely thought I could in the beginning but it took a while to realise that's generally not the case lol. Wish you all the best!

Happy 8 Year WAnniversary, Nat! Very well done!


Hey Jeff thanks!

You're very welcome, my friend! Keep succeeding!


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