How To Buy Money Online

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Spending Money VS Investing Money

From 2010 until now, my mind has gone through a fundamental shift in how I look at spending money on my website.

When I first started online marketing, I was definitely on a shoestring budget. I was too cheap to buy a .com domain name for $12.99, so I bought a $1.99 .info domain name instead.

(Actually, the domain ended up doing quite well, and I always regretted not getting a .com domain name because I think it could have performed even better)

Now I'm able to spend money on my business quite liberally because I look at it as investing into my business.

Here's how I see it:

If I spend $100 right now, that investment could turn into $100 per day in the future.

It's kind of like buying money. I spend money now, with the idea that that investment will get me more money in the future.

A great example is outsourcing content. If I buy an article for a hundred bucks, then it ranks, and I add an affilaite link, that initial investment of money will generate money doing the road.

Instead of those dollars sitting idle in my bank account, they are working hard to generate income for me!

Each Dollar You Earn Is Another Employee For Your Business

I like the idea of treating the dollars of your business like employees. Once you start spending money on your business, you can then allocate resources to specific departments.

For example, I might spend $500 per month on content. That's investing in the content-creation portion of my business.

Then I might spend $300 per month on infographics and Pinterest images. That's the visual and branding department.

Even spending money on bookkeeping apps, tax professionals, code customizations, or updating old content could be worthwhile investments.

You don't have to put all your money into one basket though. Put a little money here and there, and of course keep some for yourself.

What To Invest In?

It's hard to know exactly what to spend money on, and what will bring you the best return for your money. When you spend $1, you hope that dollar brings you $2 in return. It doesn't always end up like that, but part of running a business involves taking monetary risks.

I've spent money on lots of projects that just went nowhere.

Wasted money? Not really. Though it sucks to think I would have had more money in my account if I hadn't spent money on that particular project, it's all part of the process of finding out what really does work.

Five failed projects costing me $2500 may seem like a big failure. But if the sixth idea generates just $1000 per month, I break even in three months, and then it's all profit after that.

In my opinion, there are three areas where your money is best spent initially, if you have the cash to help your business grow faster.

  • Premium plugins and themes
  • Outsourced content
  • Small coding jobs

Premium plugins and themes can help you customize your site faster and more beautifully. Chart building plugins are a fun one, and streamlined themes with frequent updates keep your site running fast.

Outsourced content means you can scale your traffic faster. More traffic usually means more sales, or at the very least, more data to work with so you can funnel people to your affiliate pages. Volume of content is important when starting a new affilaite site!

Lastly, sometimes a tiny bit of code can make your site look exactly how you want it. Small things like reducing the logo size to get more content "above the fold" increasing font size could increase the readability and conversion rate of your site (among hundreds of other things).

Rather than learn HTML, CSS, Javascript, etc, you can pay someone $10-$35 per hour to do these small tasks. The initial $20-$70 investment in two hours of coding work could save you time and help increase your income.

Buying "Future Money"

I look at investing in my business as buying "future money". If I spend some money now, and it gets me more money later, that's a win for me.

Right now I have the time and energy to run a business. In the future, it may not be that way.

If I make a couple grand this month, that's awesome. But I don't want to keep it all. I want to invest a portion into the future of my business so that it continues to earn month after month. Personally, I'd rather have less money now, and more money in the future.

What about you? Are you investing in your business, and what are you investing in?

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Recent Comments


Hi Nathaniell,
certainly, it makes a great deal of sense all that you have written,
and like in every other business or matters that we are building is required some money investment to start, to maintain and to progress futher and even faster toward the goal,

thank you for sharing with us this money buying strategy, I like it!

have a good day

Thanks for reading Pietro!

You are welcome!

Hey Nathaniell,

Yes, I am investing in my business.

However, traffic is still low.

I am here for 10 months and I should be doing much better.

Do you have any tips?


There are many resources here that can help you narrow down your traffic problems Maxine!

Excellent post.

I also find investments in tools to be worthwhile, IF they make money (for example, autoresponders)

IF they make money is right! Tough to predict what's going to happen though.

Great way to look at this business. You break it right down. Thanks Nathaniell.

Thanks for reading Brian!

Thanks for sharing. Yes, I agree that it is a lot more time efficient to do what you are good at and love doing, and pay money to others whose business it is to do the things that we cannot yet do or are not interested in.

I certainly am not going to learn how to code at this point, especially when I only use the skill from time to time. I used to know GIMP really well, but fell out of practice, so that was a lot of time learning something that ended up not being that useful.

The biggest thing to break through, is the persistence of staying the course, no matter what you are doing. That is also the hardest thing to do, be consistent every day, not just once in a while. Thank you Nathaniell. Roy

Consistency is key! It's tough, but an important part of success in the business world.

I agree, there are lots of things that I don't know how to do or which are just really time consuming.
I have paid people to design book covers and format my books into Kindle. I pay REV to put text under my videos for YouTube. It costs $1 a minute of video. Last time i did it myself it took me almost 2 hours to get it exactly right. Won't be doing that again.

Personally I really enjoy writing content. It's not a chore and when people read my content on my site, I am trying to develop a relationship and trust, so it's good that it comes from me. But then if it wasn't a strong point for me I would happily pay someone else to do it:)

Haha. I have been in the same situations where something costs me hours and hours, but I can pay someone else to do it faster and better. That's when outsourcing makes sense!

Always love reading you, Nathaniell. Really like the analogy of thinking of dollars as employees for your business.
We are investing in good quality items for doing YouTube videos which we are starting soon. We have had several brick and mortar businesses so we know that you need to invest now for return in the future.
Thanks for an excellent post. You always motivate us.
Colette and Philip

I'll bet your YouTube stuff is really going to work out. There's so much opportunity there!

I sure am Nathaniell and loving it as well
Traffic has tripled in the past week
Go well

Tripled?! Wow. That's amazing!

I know right!!
I am so excited Nathaniell and thanks for all your support with your great posts my friend

Nice post, I like your ideas! I already invest money in premiun plugins and themes but I have not outsourced my content yet.

These days I consider investing on websites. Your thoughts on that?

I love the idea of investing in websites, and plan to do so. I haven't found one I really liked yet though, and even if I did, I need to save a bit of money for the tier of website I'd like to get.

Hi. Where do you get Pinterest images and infographics from?

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