$12,000 For Christmas 2019 (+ Actionable Advice)

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Two years ago I wrote a post titled 3 Steps to $3,000 Extra: Christmas 2017. The concept was simple: write content using these three formats:

  • "Best of" lists
  • Product reviews
  • Keyword based content

Was it a fad? Did the success fade away after the hype? No.

Two years later, that income has grown to $12,000 for the holiday season.

How did I do it? How did I grow that income from $2k to $12k?

Same thing as always. I focus on writing content that gets found in Google.

This is exactly what Kyle teaches in the training. It's what Jay talks about during his weekly webinars. Stick to the training! Particpate in chat and live webinars. Take action every day.

Many people will look at a $12,000 month and think "Wow, I wish that was me." Well, it can be you. It took me 3 years to bring that site to that level of income. If you start now, you can have the same thing (or more) by 2022.

Roope had a great blog post about taking action, and I agree with him. The tools are here. People are seeing success. The opportunity to have a full time online business is literally right in front of you. You just have to take action to see results.

My #1 Piece Of Advice This Year

==> Set daily goals instead of yearly goals.

Lots of people will set goals like "I want to earn $10,000/month by the end of 2019. That's a great goal, but how are you going to get there?

On your journey to $10k a month, or whatever you goal is, it can feel like every day is a failure because you're not there yet. So set simple daily goals that will get you moving in the right direction.

Here are possible goals that are easy to achieve:

  • 1 hour per day inside Wealthy Affiliate, no matter what
  • Write and publish 1 article per week at any cost
  • Write out your keyword list for the next 30 days on the first of the month
  • Ask one question per week inside Classrooms
  • Watch Jay's webinar at least once per month
  • Complete 1-2 lessons per week

You don't have to do all of those! They're just ideas to show you how to map out your day, week, and month in order to help you achieve your yearly goals. Remember, you can always tweak things along the way to ramp up efforts, or tone things back if you start getting burnout.

Your Homework For This Week!

To set the tone for the rest of the year, I highly recommend you write down a few daily tasks you'd like to accomplish each day. See what you have time for. Set goals according to where you are in the training and your online entrepreneur journey.

Write them down on a sticky note or notepad and keep them close to your work area.

These tiny daily routines will get you closer and closer to your goals for 2019.

What are your daily goals?

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I do write down my goals for each day. I agree: a huge goal does not move you forward day by day, but if you put it in small gulps, eventually you will "eat" the whole thing.

Personally, I do agree -- the goals you have listed are easy to reach. Makes me feel okay, as I am asking more of myself. I should be fine.

Great philosophy Fran : )

Hello Nathaniel, thanks a lot for the bit of advice, i really am having goals set for this year and everything seams achievable since i am now able to write content and publish everyday which was not possible with the previous times. I am even more disciplined now when it comes to taking my business to bigger heights and i am starting to see results for my hard work

Writing and publishing every day is a huge achievement Nkhosingiphile! Just doing that alone is going to yield you some awesome results in 2019.

Thanks Nathaniel, looking forward to reading your previous blogs and i know i will get a lot from them.

Thanks Nathaniell. I held on to an article for 2 years that you wrote on a niche and looked at it again not too long ago and then joined WA a month ago so I’m proof that your articles make a difference and people could just hold on to them too. :) You helped me on making the decision to run my own online business. Great advice. Thanks!


It's crazy to look at all that's changed over the past few years. Keep moving forward day by day, and you'll be surprised at what you can accomplish in just a few years.

I like to read these kinds of posts; successful WA-ers sharing their routine.

Like Nathaniell said, " it can feel like every day is a failure because you're not there yet", but when I compare my routine to their pieces of advice, it gives me a boost to just keep continue doing what I am doing because I realize that I am not that far off. :)


Oh yeah - feeling like a failure is definitely in my wheelhouse. "Why am I not a millionaire yet?!" LOL.

But when I focus on daily routines and habits it's easier to establish routine and habits that benefit me long term.

Awesome Nathaniel, you are rocking it. Thank you for laying a simple format out for all of us to see. My plans today were to do just that, write down goals for each day, week, month and year.

After reading this post I can now stay even more focused on what I need to do. In order to get towards my goals...

Keep up the awesome work...

Writing down goals is the fist step!

Hi Nathaniel, awesome as usual! I write my goals every day. And those are: writing content, share on social media, comment on other sites in WA, watch Jay's webinar every week and sometimes twice or three times per week. My next goals will be making Youtube videos, I really want to try PPC, but I am still learning:)
That's it for the moment:) I hope to see soon big success.
Just a question. Google has taken off my rich snippets. Has this happened to you once?

Great daily goals Daniella!

And yes, Google always changes stuff in the SERPs so if your snippets disappeared, I wouldn't worry.

I’ve gone back to a simple diary to write my daily, weekly monthly goals in. I can plan my week and even set actual times to write or research etc.

The plan is for my diary to go everywhere with me so if I get inspiration for an article or a keyword I will write it in. Keeping everything in one place and visual and being able to cross off each task once it’s done I’m hoping will keep me on track and motivated.

Thanks for your post. I’m in that no mans land space, 11 months in, where you expect to be seeing more action but know you just need to keep pushing forward.

I always say these next 2 years will pass anyway, what will I do with that time so I am not still working in a 9-5 job? So thank you for the validation that if I do keep working it will come.

When I start beating myself up for not getting my goals, it's a little easier to start focusing on the day to day tasks, so you can have little successes all the time.

Hi Nathaniel,

Thanks for your inspiration, motivation and tangible encouragement! You are correct on so many levels and I want to follow your advice to the tee.

Starting with:
Minimum 1 hour in WA, then I will break my 2019 goals down to bite size reachable goals.

I will also incorporate the rest of your great possible goals!

All the best,


I like the one hour rule because it's simple to remember, and easy to do even with a busy schedule.

Damn you! You caught me in my one true weakness, planning. Fine...I'll back up my annual goals with daily ones. Man you drive a hard bargain!

Thanks for the great post.

Haha. Gotta keep each other accountable :)

I like you advise Nathaniel and I did enjoy Roope’s blog. There are two ways to establish goals that I know. The first is to set your annual or long term goal, then work backwards breaking it down into years if long, months, weeks and days. The other is how you have suggested, start with the month, break that into days and then tasks. Work that back up into the month and then the year. You should also build-in performance measuring indicators to show whether you achieved your goals or not. Both planning (you) and action (Roope) are crucial. Congratulations on your success.

You won't always hit your goals, but at least you're aiming for something, and can readjust along the way.

Thanks for reading Harvey!

That is the thing people have to understand about goals they are not cast in concrete and can need to be flexible.

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