Keep Trying
As I am about to close in on a year here at WA, my thoughts are consumed by the fact that I have yet to generate income from site, which has been active now for about seven months now. Naturally, I am wondering if I should continue here, a pay another year of yearly premium membership and keep hoping things improve or close up shop and move on.
I know many have walked this path before me and many are walking it at present. Today's booster is for those who are currently questioning if they should carry on. Essentially, it is a personal decision we each must make. For now, I have decided to keep trying. I have never known success to be an easy journey. I believe in WA and in what it has taught me and in the power of those lessons to bring me success as an online marketer. It works for many so I am convinced it can work for me too.
As always, blessings and success to everyone.
Mustard seed
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Wow, great to hear that you had made up your mind to stay with Wealthy Affiliate. Anyway, I am sure in days to come you will be generating revenue from your website. So, do have a great day and fear not, worry not.
Hey Cheyvonne. I am glad to hear your voice. I have also been absent for quite some time in the community.
Although I have been absent, I have been checking in from time to time. I almost gave up, because of the no $$$ syndrome. But I decided that I could not pass up the discount event that Kyle and Carson ran, so I jumped on it and am giving it another go. At least for another year.
My first website has not been successful monetarily, so I am developing another that may be more successful.
As you can see, my rank has dropped dramatically, but no worries on that. Focus will be on the new site which is not published yet.
I will take heed to your ten steps.
Happy New Year and blessings for this New Year. That goes for all who read this.
Rosalyn aka zora2
Margaret, never give up should always be your incentive. It took me 6 months to make my first $8.00. It's a progression, over time. You have to build that foundation, and that takes time. Stay with what you are doing, the money will come. Keep Trying is an inspiration to us all. Much success on your journey.
Thanks a lot and success to you also, but I'm not Margaret though. Mustard seed is fine.
As long as you have the power , resources not to give up,
Improve yourself (me included) and keep trying!
All the best !
Congrats on your decision to not give up! Your first sale might be around the corner. And not having made a sale in your first 7 months isn't a shame at all. Keep on learning and applying.
And stick to the picture in your post:-D Thanks for sharing that one.
May 2015 bring you your break through with your online business!
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Great post, thank you
You're welcome.