What is an Infographic and Why You Should Include It in Your Blog Posts

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(Image: Sample infographic from Claude Sonnet 3.5)

Infographics are visual tools that combine images, charts, and minimal text to present information clearly and quickly. They are perfect for making complex information easier to understand.What is an Infographic?

An infographic is a visual representation of information or data. It uses graphics to make information engaging and easier to grasp. Infographics are useful for summarizing data, explaining processes, or presenting statistics in a visually appealing way [4].

Benefits of Using Infographics in Blog Posts

  1. Enhanced Engagement: Infographics grab attention and keep readers engaged. They are visually appealing and can simplify complex information [3].
  2. Improved Understanding: They help break down complex topics, making it easier for readers to understand.
  3. Increased Shareability: Infographics are highly shareable on social media, which can drive more traffic to your blog [2].
  4. SEO Benefits: Infographics can improve your SEO by increasing backlinks and the time readers spend on your page [6].
  5. How Infographics Benefit Affiliate Marketers
  1. Boost Conversion Rates: Attractive visuals can persuade readers to take action, increasing conversion rates.
  2. Build Trust and Credibility: Clear and well-presented information builds trust with your audience.
  3. Visual Appeal for Product Reviews: Infographics can make product reviews more engaging and informative, which can lead to higher affiliate earnings.
  4. Tools for Creating Infographics

Claude 3.5 Sonnet

Just out a few weeks ago. There is a debate as to whether it is "better" than Chat 4o but no debate about it's code generating capabilities. As part of that, it can generate SVG or React files.

They are not the best quality (see the image for this post), and the best way I have found to capture it is ctrl-shift-print screen then drop it in MS Paint. But it does describe it really well and that helps with the next tool, Piktochart.

It's free but with a limited number of requests every 4 hours.


Piktochart can handle simple and detailed requests, using templates to build feature-rich infographics. It also includes templates like Canva but seems to have more of them.

The free plan is limited. It doesn't allow you to download many but there is always ctrl-shift-print screen.

Also the text can be a little wonky. This is where Canva is great! With a premium account you can scrape the text. Here is an example of Piktograph infographic with Canva editing.


This is a go-to here at WA. I think both Jay and Eric have courses on this, and YT has many training videos on it. And I have a paid plan.

It's good but labor intensive. There is a way to use a GPT with Canva and I probably need to see if that helps.
But where it shines is editing the graphic! I don't know how well piktochart works for that, I am just used to using Canva.What are Best Practices for Using Infographics in Blog Posts?

  1. Relevance: Make sure the infographic is relevant to your post's content. Put it where it makes sense.
  2. Quality: Maintain high visual and informational quality.
  3. Attribution and Sources: Always cite your sources and give credit where due.
  4. Optimization for SEO: Use alt text, titles, and descriptions to optimize infographics for search engines.
  5. What Did We Cover?

Infographics are powerful tools that can enhance your blog by making information more engaging and understandable. Start using them with tools like Claude 3.5 Sonnet, Piktochart, and Canva to improve your content and boost your affiliate marketing efforts.

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Recent Comments


Nice workflow, Michael! 👍😎

Frank 🎸

What a helpful post, Michael!

I'm bookmarking it for future reference :)



This is a beneficial article, Michael. Showing people instead of telling them something is an art in which I need improvement. Thanks.


A seminar i went to about how to give a presentation really applies here.

Three steps

Tell ‘em what you’re going to tell them
Tell them
Tell them what you told them

This is so simple. At the same time, it’s so difficult. Because if you do, it is a wall of words, no one will want to climb it. If you make it to simple, then no one will want to read it.

If you don’t use pictures, then maybe no one will understand it

Thanks for sharing Michael!


Thanks so much for Sharing I will look into it.

Before today, I didn't know about Piktochart, so thank you for the resource.

I also use Canva Pro extensively for all my artwork. It is better to use live images than ones done by Dall-E3 or others; however, sometimes, it does help.

i appreciate your blog post here Michael, thank you :)

I got a really brutal review of my blog recently. I have needed it for a while. I think it will improve my posts 100%. This is one of the key ingredients. The others were to get the reading level down more and eliminate the "wall of text"

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