If you only have 15 minutes


If there are days you barely have time to write on your website - (meaning less than an hour - or much less than that!) I want to offer some productive and useful ideas of what to do with those 15 minutes.

This is not to do ALL of these - just any ONE of them - any ONE of these activities will be very productive and help with your site ranking, authority, and progress you forward!

Ideas for your 15 minutes of productivity

  1. Take a few minutes to research a keyword on the Keyword Tool and/or Jaaxy, and write down a list of a few good keywords you found.
  2. Do above on just one good keyword, go to your admin and add a post title, craft a great title and save it as draft.
  3. If you have done number 2 above and still have a few minutes, find some good images and make your title image/featured image and add to the post and save draft.
  4. Go over a wealthy affiliate lesson you need brushing up on.
  5. Read and write a great comment on 1 or 2 authoritative blogs in your niche that offer dofollow links. What that simply means is they have a box in their commenting form for your website so you can enter your site or a blog post on your site.
  6. Go on your favorite social media for your blog and retweet, repin, share, etc some fellow blogger's articles.

That's all! Let me know if these ideas are things you already do or if they would help. Go be productive!

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Recent Comments


Great advice, will tag it to have it always.....

aw thanks!

All good 'quickies' :)

thank you! And yet effective!

Great tips! Thanks!!!

why your welcome! hope it helps!

Nice advice.

Appreciate your vote of approval! :)

Not enough hours in the day, it is good to make the minutes very productive. Thank you for the tips.

Definitely never enough! I run into this situation a lot with a kid and a million other obligations. So hopefully people can relate!

Great ideas. They show the value of having a time management attitude to business. Being focussed like that will help us see ways to keep building something.

It's true - and we all know that a paycheck isn't coming right away - but doesn't mean we don't keep plugging forward otherwise we'll never get there!

Some really good ideas here. ~Debbi

cool - I'm glad you like them!

Great advise.Thank you.

Thank you! I'm glad you found it useful!

Not enough hours in the day lol.

I know - too much to do, too little time.

I'm slow, I don't think I could do all that in 15 minutes. :-)

oh sorry - I just meant do to any one of them lol - but I know what you mean, I'm slow too!

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