Birth of a New AI Industry - Picking Up After AI

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Did You Know? ChatGPT is making errors by creating inaccurate and useless fluff. Diane (our resident Scorpio) is a clairvoyant for posting her article when she did

As many of us noted, ChatGPT content straight from the spigot is, well inaccurate, fluffy, and contaminates your real work and reputation. As a professional, we know this, "Side Hustlers" don't care when a quick buck is involved.

No, I won't criticize them here, because we all owe them a huge

Thank You

Businesses are running scared of possible ramifications from Google and are quickly reworking the AI content that they posted to their website. Content that was posted based on either their bad direction "crank out the content en masse ASAP" or from not caring and posting crap from lazy Content Creators or both.

Their consequence is that they are paying twice for their actions. They created an entirely new business stream for us!

Humanizing and Correcting ChatGPT Content.

This is a summary of an article I found on Business Insider.

AI content editing is a new freelance opportunity because businesses and individuals are looking to give their ChatGPT-generated content a "human touch" to ensure that their content will not get penalized by search engines or that their pieces won't go over very well with their target audience.

Freelancers can earn over $100 per project according to Fiverr to edit AI-generated content.

The downside for unscrupulous freelancers is that it may lead to fewer opportunities for their freelance writing services.

Other AI skills that have a spike in interest on Fiverr include "prompt engineering" and "AI video creation" with starting pay for these gigs being higher than AI-content editing. Pay is noted as being up to $5,000 per project.

Business Insider suggests that freelancers can benefit from using AI in 2023 by testing and trialing new services to increase productivity, unlock creativity, and elevate their freelance business.

AI can still aid writers in editing and proofreading their work. However you need to ensure that it has the human touch - and even if you are using AI, it is still important to add edits that will truly lift the piece's value, not just its readability.

May I suggest that if you are/were doing that, it's $100 an article to redo it. Pay yourself first and get it done.

Here is the original link,

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Recent Comments


Will be interesting to see what ai has gotten to be in a few years

AI is certainly not perfect my friend, but when used well can save us all a lot of time! :-)

For the time being, I'll continue writing the way that I always have! Works for me!


I find lots of errors in AI content. Still, AI saves me a lot of time, but everything needs to be fact checked.

Frank 🎸

Hi, Abie

ChatGPT4 and Bard get lots of facts wrong, use out-of-date info, and can misinterpret info in prompts.

Once, I asked it how a particular guitar amplifier gets its Heavy Metal sound. It mentioned that the speaker grills were made from a heavy gauge metal. Lol, that's a fairly obvious misinterpretation, but others are far more subtle and easily missed by writers who don't know their niche inside and out.

AI won't hesitate to make things up if it thinks it can be helpful, even if you ask it not to in a prompt.

I asked it to give me the guitar amplifier settings for some famous rock songs, which were obviously incorrect. When I questioned where it got the settings, it responded that it estimated them based on info available on the Internet. No seasoned rock player would have ever believed it!

Part of the Google helpful content update is accuracy:
"Does the content have any easily-verified factual errors?"

Rock On! 🤘
Frank 🎸

My pleasure, Abie. 😎

AI is an incredible tool when we use it properly.

Frank 🎸

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